February 23, 2007 | | Should you invest in Gold BeES? Given the relatively high entry load charged by the fund house during the NFO period, investors, who intend investing in gold, should avoid Gold BeES during the NFO period.
Investments and what the FM could do this Budget Let's hope the FM takes care of these issues in the forthcoming budget to give a further impetus to long-term financial planning.
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February 19, 2007 | | Why you must know your broker 'Know Your Clients,' ask regulators of brokers. Well, investors should know their brokers as well suggests Sucheta Dalal.
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February 16, 2007 | | Standard Chartered Mutual Fund: Good riddance Research your investments well, ask a lot of questions, challenge every argument and invest only if there are compelling reasons to do so. Don't let any company or fund house make money at your expense.
Divorce? Don't let it bankrupt you Goal re-planning for your lifestyle and emotional aspirations would indicate the resources you have, how long they will last how much you need to deploy additionally.
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February 15, 2007 | | Tata SIP Fund: Should you buy? Tata SIP Fund makes the investing process simple and hassle free, however, if the performance of the equity portion is not up to the mark, the investor would have paid dearly for such convenience.
How CRR hike affects the common man Rising interest rates slows down the overall growth in the economy
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February 14, 2007 | | Should you invest in New Fund Offers? Make sure you have a firm investment policy in place - one that clearly spells out which product to buy for each goal, why to buy, when to buy and when to sell.
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February 13, 2007 | | When must you sell your mutual fund The basic idea is to define, beforehand, certain rules for oneself for selling one's investments. This would reduce the day-to-day dilemma and ad-hoc decision-making, thereby make investing more scientific and unemotional.
Should one invest in index funds? The stock market index is also a representative number.
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February 08, 2007 | | How to make BIG profits from mutual funds If you wish to invest in a sector fund, make sure that some other funds in your portfolio does not have substantial exposure to that sector.
How to make money in the stock market Sporadic investments done in fits and starts aren't going to get you anywhere. Regular investment and regular investment alone is the difference between a winner and a loser.
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February 03, 2007 | | Do you really need wealth? This is not as obvious as you think - if you think really hard or closely observe people around you, you will notice that people are not so ambitious about wealth per se as much as about their career.
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February 02, 2007 | | Investing in ULIPs? Careful! If you are the proud owner of a ULIP - go back and check the premium you pay and find out the minimum premium that is payable for your policy.
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February 01, 2007 | | All about Sundaram Equity Multiplier Fund Sundaram BNP Paribas Mutual Fund's new fund Sundaram BNP Paribas Equity Multiplier Fund is a closed ended equity scheme with a maturity of 3 years
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