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| August 31, 2004 |
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|  5 wrong reasons for buying insurance We list 5 reasons which you should be wary of while opting for insurance cover.
The MIP catch The MIP tag, to say the least, is misleading. The problem is not with the product per se, but the way it is marketed.
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| August 30, 2004 |
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|  Indian IT sector: Who's the best? With TCS getting listed on the stock exchanges, which is the best IT company from the investor's viewpoint? Infosys, TCS or Wipro? Let's find out
Home loans: A hybrid option Borrowers are hedging their risks by opting for a combo of fixed and floating rate loans, says Arti Sharma
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| August 26, 2004 |
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|  Exit MIPs, enter equities If your investment advisor recommends that you can use MIPs and equity funds interchangeably, rest assured he may not have your best interests at heart.
Personal loans just got cheaper ICICI Bank launched its unique credit card — ICICI Bank Easy Deposit Card — offering a rate as low as 0.99 per cent
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| August 24, 2004 |
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|  Mutual funds back in positive turf Steer clear of investment advice that exhorts you to jump into equities irrespective of your profile; it's a definite recipe for disaster.
Banking at your doorstep Door-step delivery and cash pick-ups are fast gaining popularity among business clients and high networth individuals. Individual account holders rarely use the service as they prefer to drop in to the closest ATM.
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| August 20, 2004 |
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|  Another scheme from HDFC Mutual Fund HDFC Mutual Fund is offering two schemes -- Multiple Yield Fund and Core and Satellite Fund. Find out all about Multiple Yield Fund
Should you invest in HDFC Mutal Fund? HDFC Mutual Fund is offering two new schems -- Core and Satellite Fund and Multiple Yield Fund
All about senior citizens savings scheme The scheme is available for citizens above 60 years of age; however a provision has been put in place for individuals who have crossed 55 years of age. Such individuals may invest subject to the conditions that,
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| August 18, 2004 |
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|  How to double your money in 3 years Our intention in this article is to highlight the dangers of being carried away by cover stories in the 'media' on how to double your money in three years.
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| August 16, 2004 |
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|  Investment after 60 A N Shanbhag examines the salient features of the new Senior Citizens Savings Scheme
Investment strategy for current times Where does one park one's money in current times? In stocks? In bonds? Small Savings Schemes?
Mutual fund returns take a knock With inflation looming large, most investment options will be severely tested going forward. Investors in assured return schemes, on account of their "assured" returns are often falsely led to believe that they are immune to inflation.
More strategies for small investors Judicious allocation of assets holds the key.
EPF's still the best bet EPF gives you Section 88 benefits. So when you consider that even the interest you earn on it is tax-free, your returns would be extremely high.
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| August 13, 2004 |
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|  Rising rates: What should you do? There is no such thing as 'the' best strategy, but adequate diversification can go a long way in shielding you from the market vagaries.
Is this the future of small savings schemes? Investors should invest in small saving schemes at present levels; these investments will fetch them attractive rates and be insulated against future changes.
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| August 09, 2004 |
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|  The interest rate factor Should investors be re-jigging their investment strategies in these new circumstances?
Inflation spooked markets At this point we would like to reinforce our view -- reallocate your assets to floating rate funds and avoid long-term debt funds for the time being.
How to beat inflation While inflation is a concern there is no need for you to be a sitting duck every time it rears its head. Fortunately India offers interesting and rewarding opportunities to beat inflation.
Where to invest? Invest in a staggered manner or if one does not have to expertise, a conservative mutual fund is a better option in uncertain times.
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| August 05, 2004 |
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|  Is the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme good? If you are a senior citizen who is looking at earning regular returns without taking on too much risk, the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme is the place to be.
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| August 04, 2004 |
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|  5 investment experts you should avoid Here's a list of some 'experts' who may have your best interest at heart, but may not necessarily be dishing out the right investment advice for you.
Home loan double trouble brews A double whammy will soon be landing on those planning to take a home loan: not only will they have to contend with higher interest rates, they will also have to tackle a new beast -- the fixed loan is mutating into a semi-fixed animal
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| August 03, 2004 |
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|  Energy: At the crossroads All in all, the prospects for the industry in the future are positive given the developing economy we are. However, given the history of rollbacks that have LEFT Indian energy stocks far behind their global competitors, concerns remain.
How safe is your bank: checklist The recent failure of the Global Trust Bank begs the question: how can the average account holder assess the quality -- and therefore the safety -- of a bank?
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