    Camp John

    Men to boys

    The morning session is very strenuous. By afternoon, when the second schedule begins after a lunch break, the team is already tired, and a touch sleepy under the Chennai sun. 'Warming up' is an idea that is greeted with groans -- but not for long.

    The inventive Andrew Leipus has the players divided into two groups -- playing, of all things, Seven Stones, or 'Lagori'. You know, that childhood game where one team makes a mound of stones that the other team tries to throw down, while the defending team tries to block those efforts by taking aim with the ball and letting fly?

    Fun and games Within minutes, the groans are gone, replaced by screaming and laughter and hooting and frantic running here and there, as the cool, collected professionals are turned into little boys. Srinath made a bid on the castle, Sachin let fly and got his man fair and square with the ball, on a tender part of the fast bowler's anatomy. Much laughter. Ganguly picks up the ball in his turn, lets fly, and whacks Dravid a good one -- unfortunately forgetting that they are part of the same team. More laughter.

    It's amazing what a change these gimmicks make in the players. As I sit there watching them compete, I realise it feels good to see them laughing,joking, joshing one another -- a drastic change from the glum, silent faces I got used to at previous camps. Here, there is much good natured teasing,and plenty of cheating as the players try to go one up on the other. All in good fun -- and if in the process they get nicely warmed up for the second session, well, who's complaining?

    Leg and Leg!