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Does India have the bowling to do well in the WC?

Your Views

Name: Shariq
Message: The Indian management and selectors are too much into picking the "right type" of bowler rather than the best bowler. Then you have the captain in the middle giving overs to non-regular bowlers and expect them to perform miracles. If it comes off then the captain is proclaimed a genius and the non-regular bowler is classified as an all-rounder. However, if things don't come off the captain makes a blanket "We did not bowl well" statement out. If India picks its best bowlers, and now that they have a good balance of pace and spin, I have no doubt that their bowling is good enough to win the World Cup for them. However, the experimentaion with part-time bowlers has to stop because it's going to burn India badly especially on the bouncy and pacy wickets of South Africa. A couple of overs is fine but do not expect them to bowl a full quota. India also needs to stop using Dravid as a wicketkeeper and have a regular one in his place. Dravid will struggle to keep wickets and if he is lost to a wicketkeeping injury, India will have lost a major pillar of Indian batting and they will suffer. I also believe Sehwag should work on his game against the short ball prior to the South Africa tourney. Have Srinath bowl bouncers to him from 17 yards so that he can hone his game. He also needs to sharpen his backfoot play

Name: Dev Suman
Message: We have only got 3 bowlers at a time in the team for last 20 yrears whom we can really rely upon. Sometime 4th or 5th bowler work but that doesn't make us a formidable team. Batting no problem right now but bowling we really need to get 2 specialist bowlers apart from Harbhajan, Zaheer Khan and Kmble/Srinath/Agarkar. With the current bowling attack we can be sure of winning a match only if we have to defend over 300 runs in 50 overs of match.

Name: Karthik
Message: I guess the south african pitches are well equiped to the fast bowlers. But the indians should seriously consider the option of 3 specialist fast bowlers and ofcourse harbhajan is there. Thes specialist fast bowlers should work in tandem and should try to contain runs from both the end. In short i would say that indians have the bowling to do well in the world cup if they work as a team in the bowling department also as they are doing in the batting department.

Name: Sanjay Patel
Message: Yes, India has some very fine bowlers who will win matches for India in SA. and I think they are good contenders to win the World Cup.

Name: Venkat
Message: We need atleast one more good bowler other than we currently have.

Name: Randal
Message: Yes I feel India has the Bowlers in SA for the WC'03. We should not compare our fast bowlers on Indian Pitches. In SA the ball will swing more. The Team should be(VS,SG,VVS,RD,ST,YS,MK,SB,HS,JS,ZK). AM,AK,AA can be used on a rotation basis.

Name: Shamit Nakra
Message: India cant have the luxury of playing five bowlers in one game. So they need an allrounder at any cost. So lets analyze our reserves Zaheer-He is young fast and agressive. He has in him to perform at highest level. Srinath-He is old but still our best bet. Nehra-He is talented but lacks consistency. Harbhajan-He has time and again proved that he can be a match winner and along with bowl on his day he can show some wonders with bat too. So he will be the ideal choice for the lone spinner spot in the team. Kumble-This guy is loosing his tounch, he face tough competition from another youngster Murali Karthik. Agarkar-He doesnt deserve to be in the team. Its said he can be fit for allrounder job but till now he has neither proved himself with bat nor with ball. In my view JP Yadhav or Bangar should be given more chances so we have more choices. So My team for the world cup will be: Shewag,Ganguly,Sachin,Dravid Yuvraj,Kaif,(Bangar/ JP Yadhav),Zaheer,Harbhajan,Srinath,Nehra.

Name: dishmaster
Message: WE LACK FIREPOWER ! We need some serious speed demons .. but unfortunately due to cricket politics lots of youngsters have been overlooked or not given ample chance , examples of such are Laxmi Ratan Shukla , young and still feasome in Ranji leagues. Yohannan is another. Find players like Agarkar - fast with the ball deadly with the bat . Srinath is past prime .. with the current batting lineup all we need is Harbhajan , Anil and a couple of Shoiab style fasties , once we have that this world cup is ours !

Name: Sayantan
Message: India's bowling is not good enough. They are too expensive. Only Zaheer and Harbajan are econimical. I mean Agarkar gave 63 runs of 6 overs....woowwwwww. Murali Kartik still needs to be better in wicket taking. Javagal Srinath is ok and is capable of handling the pressure in the world cup. Ashish Nehra is too expensive as well. Batting won't help India if the pitch is for bowling.

Name: sanjay
Message: No.... I think they should select 4 fast bowlers... 1)Zaheer khan 2)srinath 3)ashish nehra 4)ajit agarkar 5 th bowler can be 1)shweag 2)ganguly 3)yuvraj 4)sachin

Name: AJ
Message: I strongly believe that India needs some serious quick bowlers. Nehra and Agarkar are not going to cut the cheese. We surely need Kumble and Harbhajan to bowl well too.

Name: Harish B
Message: Zaheer, Srinath and Harbajan are the only likely bowlers to do well for India in the WC in South Africa. Agarkar and Nehra are way too wayward and Kumble is nowadays cannon-fodder at best. The other 2 bowlers would have to be made up of bits and pieces -- Sachin, Sehwag and Sourav. India desperately needs another good fast bowler -- Agarkar could be that person but the man bowls either too short, too wide, too full or too easy to make any kind of dent in the opposition's batting.

Name: bipin vaddi
Message: india has the world's best batsmen and they have to take advantage of it. zaheer khan is the best fast bowler we have right now, clubbed along with harbhajan ,srinath and sehwag , we are good to go. We have a great chance to win the world cup in 2003

Name: Sandeep Raut
Message: I think we could get away with bowling all rounders in South Africa. From the bowlers, Srinath, Zahir and Harbhajan are obvious choice... then we need bowling allrounders like Ajit Agarkar and Sanjay Bangar. We can keep option of Nehra, but I think if the conditions are favouring bowlers, then best is to play five as below. Srinath Zahir Harbhajan Agarkar Bangar. and then our top line up Sehwag Ganguli Dravid Tendulkar Yuvraj Kaif So with this we have pretty much balanced team with two batting allrounders.. If at all Agarkar or Bangar fails we still have Sachin, Sehwag, Yuvraj and Ganguly to try with...

Name: Srinivas Bondada
Message: Ashish Nehra and Zaheer Khan can bowl well the first 5 overs. If one of them fails, we have no backup bowler to control runs in first 15 overs. We need a good bowler who can beat the batsman and control the runs in first 15 overs. India victory mainly depends on the first 15 overs performance, either batting or bowling. We have tough teams to face in the world cup in pool A. All the best for our indian team. This is the best team to get the cup back.

Name: sanaullah khan
Message: india is short of only one bowler and if they can fill the gap of one seam bowler then india has 100% chances of winning the world cup.india now has harbhajan,kumble,zaheer and srinath,but there must be one more effective and strike seam bowler for india,i think srinath,agarkar and nehra are not suitable for this.

Message: Yes ,India Does have the talent ,and of days ,they are being given enough chances against quality teams to perform and learn ...but consistency is what matters suggestion will be .,if a bowler finds out that he is not in his elements on a given day ,then he should be prepared to be on a planned attack with the support of his captian, most of the bowlers know about their form the moment they have bowled their first over and ..then they should be honest enough to discuss it on field and adjust according to the need of the hour ...the team and its requirements are above personal needs ..and surprisingly if one performs for the team then they are automatically performing for themselves..but the priority is for the team's cause

Name: mohammed mazher khan
Message: there are no good bowlers who can perform well in this world cup from india except zaheer khan and harbhajan singh.

Name: prashant
Message: yes they can help a lot

Name: shiv_v2001
Message: yesi feel that the bowling , batting & feelding are most important in cricket .so according to me bowling is most important .

Name: eldho
Message: what India needs is match winning bowlers which is very much lacking now.we need to find out some quality pace bowlers before world cup

Name: Ram
Message: Nope, Indian bowlers cudn't even bowl well in their home grounds. I think that during the world cup, Indian batsmen score lotta runs but the team will lose due to lack of good bowlers (!bowlers)

Name: Gopikrishan.Shree
Message: We should look confident with Zaheer, harbajan, Sewag,Kumble,Srinath and one more new good pace bowler needed. Actually speaking Ajith should be thrown out of the squad, who have never learnt from his mistakes all this while. Look for youngsters who can build better team in bowling and fielding.

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