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Line Postcard to the FM

Fri Feb 9 18:52:01 2001
Name:Sudhanshu Bhartiya
Suggestions:Allocate a little more [if any?] for spreading Computer Education at mass level, particularly at College level.

Fri Feb 9 19:48:43 2001

Fri Feb 9 20:04:33 2001
Name:Dilipsinh Barad
Suggestions:Sir, Govt. tried its level best but it has failed to include semi-urban and rural residents in IT revolution. Yhis class still either dont know or are afraid of the word 'computer' also.Myself being a teacher in one such area, understand that to revolutionise this class with this IT revolution, school and college teachers should be acquainted with computers and internet. My suggestion may seem to be far-fetched but its result will be amazing. " teachers are provided computers and intenet on subsidised rates, schols and colleges are provided free internet, and some concessions in telephone rates which is used for internet,[at present it is telephone rates which is hazardous for internet users like me]"

Fri Feb 9 20:05:22 2001
Suggestions:in buget how much price ar rising for all goods &othere expences give me details .

Fri Feb 9 22:49:32 2001
Suggestions:kidly consider salary sectors

Fri Feb 9 23:41:34 2001
Suggestions:Respected sir, My suggestion is to reduce the daily commodities of a common man and to increase the taxes on rich people.

Fri Feb 9 23:41:47 2001
Suggestions:Respected sir, My suggestion is to reduce the daily commodities of a common man and to increase the taxes on rich people.

Sat Feb 10 00:02:20 2001
Name:santosh pawar be poor india people.

Sat Feb 10 00:03:38 2001
Name:santosh pawar be poor india people.

Sat Feb 10 00:03:50 2001
Name:santosh pawar be poor india people.

Sat Feb 10 00:04:57 2001
Name:santosh pawar be poor india people.

Sat Feb 10 00:10:25 2001
Name:vikram ketkar
Suggestions:namaskar sinhaji, sir it must be very difficult to make the budget.its going to affect 100 crore people. may God give u the strength and the wisdom for this huge task. and thanks a lot for your efforts regards vikram ketkar

Sat Feb 10 00:43:09 2001
Suggestions:I would request you to focus more on reforms process and to lay empahsis on infrastructural development

Sat Feb 10 00:47:38 2001
Suggestions:Dear FM, For any budget can't you make your proposals & planning details more transperent to common man? so that comman man can start trusting the government & its ministors. Also, instrad of imposing more taxes on common man can't you cut down your own government running cost & individual ministers renumaration & allowances which runs into crores of ruppes?

Sat Feb 10 01:00:53 2001
Suggestions:I would request you to focus more on reforms process and to lay empahsis on infrastructural development

Sat Feb 10 06:12:12 2001
Name:Bupeshnath Ayodhi
Suggestions:I think the time has come for the government to come up with some bold steps in increasing the power tariffs.

Sat Feb 10 08:48:01 2001
Name:md hamed
Suggestions:Send me film wallpapers.

Sat Feb 10 09:13:34 2001
Name:M Arun Kumar
Suggestions:It seems you have decided to collect an additional income tax for Gujurat earthquake. Your decision is really worth condeming. Raising taxes for Income Tax payers is like getting pleasure of fighting and hurting someone who has no weapons. Why can not you realize the fact that there are crores of people who earn much more than the income tax payers and still evade the taxes? I would suggest you to raise the taxes for consumtion (like Excise, Customs, Service etc) rather than the income taxes. Hope you will be able to understand the logic and take my suggestion. By they way, I did not contribute a pie to the Gujarat earthquake as I am really hurt as you are forcibily taking my money and are taking advantage of my inability to challange your decision. With best Regards Arun Kumar

Sat Feb 10 11:03:14 2001
Name:Shri Suparno Chakrabarti
Suggestions:Please find a way to book all Tax Defaulters , totalling more than Rs.65,000/- Crores to fight the national calamities effectively

Sat Feb 10 11:27:35 2001
Suggestions:Please impose taxes on lower middle class & farmers owning land more than 20 to 25 acres.

Sat Feb 10 11:28:39 2001
Suggestions:No hike in Rail fare please

Sat Feb 10 12:00:09 2001
Suggestions:try to be cool during your budget

Sat Feb 10 12:04:48 2001
Name:siraj jiwani
Suggestions:dear sir, you should decrease tax on employees or increase the amount of exemption because only these people pays tax firmly not any big bussinessmen.

Sat Feb 10 12:28:55 2001
Name:Krishnan Venkiteswaran
Suggestions:Dear Sir, Please don't increase the prices of essential commodities and rail fare citing thye excuse of eartgquake.

Sat Feb 10 13:31:52 2001
Suggestions:hello Yashwanth sir, I would appreciate if you can do someting about desability ppl who are enterprouners in buniness. i'm one such person Handicaped with Qudraplegia. And finding dificult to copeup with my dependency. And am sure there are many who are finding it difficult to coupup with. Thanks desani

Sat Feb 10 13:42:33 2001
Name:Vivek Mukund Ketkar
Suggestions:Sir, I am ready to serve without any expections at the time of scrutiny of Insurance Surveyors at IRDA. With regards, Yours faithfully, V. M. Ketkar, Insurance Surveyor, Licence No. SLA-35969

Sat Feb 10 13:46:58 2001
Suggestions:dear sir

Sat Feb 10 13:46:58 2001
Suggestions:dear sir

Sat Feb 10 13:46:58 2001
Suggestions:dear sir

Sat Feb 10 13:46:58 2001
Suggestions:dear sir

Sat Feb 10 13:47:08 2001
Suggestions:dear sir

Sat Feb 10 13:50:40 2001
Suggestions:respected sir, indian industry specially small scale sector do not require any subsidy or help from government but it prime requirement is clean tranperent and good tax administration. unfourtunetly the ssi sector is willing to pay income tax,sales tax and other local taxes but are often against idea of coming into central excise net and most prefer to remain into limit of exemption mr finance minister have analysed the reason for it but to me following are the prime reasons:- 1-the central excise act 1944 is old and antiquated and most of its section are irrelavant consedeering todays situation,it represents nothing but colonial attitude towards local manufacturers. 2-most of central excise forms are in english and hindi which makes it difficult for persons who do not know english and hindi to copmplete official formalities. 3-ranks of officers of department are same as police and they have uniform which just frightens many sincere persons. 4-lot of discretionary powers are vested into lower rung of officials which are often misused. 5-department is den of corruption often people have to pay atleast rs10000/- to get simple registration. 6-depARTMENT LACKS transperency and its entire nature of operation is daRK AND Opaque. 7-judicial powers ARE also vested with department which creates lot of pro-revenue bias often people do not get justice due to pro revenue bias. 8-procedures are complex and difficult moreover department tends to issue instruction where it has no locus standi. following should be done for remeding above mentioned reasons. 1-new central excise act should be made and the old 1944 act should be scrapped urgently in this budget. 2-officers of department should not have uniform and there ranks should not be like inspector etc but should be like other civilian deptt. 3-judicial function of department should be removed to rectify pro revenue should be handed over to seperate judicial body.deputy commisioners and other officers of deptt should not have any judicial powers. 4-all discretionary powers of subordinate officials be removed to root out corruption. 4-action of dsepartment should be made transperent and corrupt elements from deptt be traced and punished. 5-procedures be simplified to avoid confusion. 6-persons be allowed to file return and other official matter in all languages recognised in indian constitution. sir it now up to you to breath a new life by removing inspector raj and making our country prosperous. anupam

Sat Feb 10 13:50:59 2001
Suggestions:dear sir what is the news about the budget of 2001 and what will grow share market please tell me the news share market what index wil will come from rajesh.k.shah

Sat Feb 10 13:54:52 2001
Suggestions: Hon.Finance Minister, Dear Sir, This is with reference to the Budget2001 with anticipation of an increase in Income tax and other likely surcharges likely to be introduced in the Budget provisions for additional resources to meet the great loss due natural calamity that had devastated many lives and properties in Gujrat. I would like to humbly suggest to your goodself that : in keeping with the ongoing census process the govt.may introduce necessary legislation to the effect that all those bonafide citizens contribute mandatorily sum of Rs.100/= per individual as one time charges for them to be eligible for availing all future basic necessities from Govt.of India.The proceeds may be collected at Ward office level of Municipal corporation or at the panchayats and an identification of receipt may be entered in any Govt.issued ID cards like Ration cards etc and subsequently the census survey officials may acknowledge the receipt of such prior to enumerating the data for compilation of census.Also same may be verified at the govt.depts when an individual appraoches them for any future survey. This would bring in a substantial amount for the govt and would also ease any possible additional burden that may be imposed on the individual tax payers. Such recovery along with all the donations received both from the corporate houses/voluntary donations should meet the additional resources needed and also may contribute to some surplus as corpus fund for future. If necessary, NRIs may be asked to pay an additional amount equivalent to the present airport tax amount(onetime) at the time of their first exit from India and stamped in their PP for future records. Subsequent verification by census officials would ensure the bonafide of each and every individual who had paid the sum of Rs.100/= and should largely satisfy the citizenship rights and privileges and donot contemplate any unscruplus elements from claiming the citizenship. However the citizens from all those areas affected may be exempted. Yours Sincerly, M.K.RAGHU

Sat Feb 10 14:00:14 2001
Suggestions: Hon.Finance Minister, Dear Sir, This is with reference to the Budget2001 with anticipation of an increase in Income tax and other likely surcharges likely to be introduced in the Budget provisions for additional resources to meet the great loss due natural calamity that had devastated many lives and properties in Gujrat. I would like to humbly suggest to your goodself that : in keeping with the ongoing census process the govt.may introduce necessary legislation to the effect that all those bonafide citizens contribute mandatorily sum of Rs.100/= per individual as one time charges for them to be eligible for availing all future basic necessities from Govt.of India.The proceeds may be collected at Ward office level of Municipal corporation or at the panchayats and an identification of receipt may be entered in any Govt.issued ID cards like Ration cards etc and subsequently the census survey officials may acknowledge the receipt of such prior to enumerating the data for compilation of census.Also same may be verified at the govt.depts when an individual appraoches them for any future survey. This would bring in a substantial amount for the govt and would also ease any possible additional burden that may be imposed on the individual tax payers. Such recovery along with all the donations received both from the corporate houses/voluntary donations should meet the additional resources needed and also may contribute to some surplus as corpus fund for future. If necessary, NRIs may be asked to pay an additional amount equivalent to the present airport tax amount(onetime) at the time of their first exit from India and stamped in their PP for future records. Subsequent verification by census officials would ensure the bonafide of each and every individual who had paid the sum of Rs.100/= and should largely satisfy the citizenship rights and privileges and donot contemplate any unscruplus elements from claiming the citizenship. However the citizens from all those areas affected may be exempted. Yours Sincerly, M.K.RAGHU

Sat Feb 10 14:02:06 2001
Suggestions: Hon.Finance Minister, Dear Sir, This is with reference to the Budget2001 with anticipation of an increase in Income tax and other likely surcharges likely to be introduced in the Budget provisions for additional resources to meet the great loss due natural calamity that had devastated many lives and properties in Gujrat. I would like to humbly suggest to your goodself that : in keeping with the ongoing census process the govt.may introduce necessary legislation to the effect that all those bonafide citizens contribute mandatorily sum of Rs.100/= per individual as one time charges for them to be eligible for availing all future basic necessities from Govt.of India.The proceeds may be collected at Ward office level of Municipal corporation or at the panchayats and an identification of receipt may be entered in any Govt.issued ID cards like Ration cards etc and subsequently the census survey officials may acknowledge the receipt of such prior to enumerating the data for compilation of census.Also same may be verified at the govt.depts when an individual appraoches them for any future survey. This would bring in a substantial amount for the govt and would also ease any possible additional burden that may be imposed on the individual tax payers. Such recovery along with all the donations received both from the corporate houses/voluntary donations should meet the additional resources needed and also may contribute to some surplus as corpus fund for future. If necessary, NRIs may be asked to pay an additional amount equivalent to the present airport tax amount(onetime) at the time of their first exit from India and stamped in their PP for future records. Subsequent verification by census officials would ensure the bonafide of each and every individual who had paid the sum of Rs.100/= and should largely satisfy the citizenship rights and privileges and donot contemplate any unscruplus elements from claiming the citizenship. However the citizens from all those areas affected may be exempted. Yours Sincerly, M.K.RAGHU

Sat Feb 10 15:41:44 2001
Suggestions:please recognise the profession of insurance career agents under the ministry of finance

Sat Feb 10 15:42:31 2001
Suggestions:1) please increase the it exemption limit to Rs 100000. 2)increase exemption against sec 88 to 1,20,000. 3) remove surcharge

Sat Feb 10 16:55:38 2001
Name:Ashish Tiwari
Suggestions:Sir, Please do something to reduce the fiscal deficit and to increase the plan allocation for education and housing.

Sat Feb 10 17:13:05 2001
Name:Surajit Kundu
Suggestions:Sir, Please try to recover the black money from the people who evades tax and dont put much burden on the common tax payers. thanking you, yours faithfully, surajit kundu

Sat Feb 10 17:15:24 2001
Suggestions:Sir, Propose harder rules (to the extent of hanging) for Counterfiet currencies launderers. Stop corrupt earnings of govt officers. Reduce taxes to promote indian industry from china.

Sat Feb 10 17:20:43 2001
Name:Sunil Noronha
Suggestions:Reduce petrol price and also abloish 2% surcharge on I.T as people find difficultto pay the Tax,reduce the cost of living. tax it on luxury items.

Sat Feb 10 17:27:41 2001
Name:Shailja Kumar Sinha
Suggestions:Dear Sir, Rebate u/s 88 is available to those making repayment of housing loan. But there may be some persons who set aside and invest certain amount so as to purchase/construct a house in near future.The amount so invested should also qualify for rebate u/s 88. Conditions may be imposed to use the amount for housing porpose only. However if the same cannot be utilised within three years such investment should be treated as general qualifing investment and should be allowed to withdrawn for any purpose. Regards, Shailja Kumar Sinha

Sat Feb 10 17:34:19 2001
Suggestions:Key focus areas: 1.Invest in infrastructure - throw them open to private investment. It will attract FDI 2. Make the access of IT affordable - this should touch all aspects : telecom; terminal equipment; internet; Computer education. 3. Reduce IT rates - this will automatically increase compliance on ITax payment All the Best! Happy Budgeting Raja

Sat Feb 10 17:56:33 2001
Name:suhas vaidya
Suggestions:pl. do something so that real estate prices come down and common man can afford a house

Sat Feb 10 18:19:19 2001
Name:Sujeet Singhal
Suggestions:Increase the Tax limits for Service Persons.

Sat Feb 10 18:21:23 2001
Suggestions:dear sir, i request you to kindly enchance the limit in investment in ppf from 60,000 to 75,000 and the entire interest free from tax which is at present in the law under sec 88. the salary to be written in the partneship firm can be modified slightly to give relief to small traders.

Sat Feb 10 18:23:07 2001
Name:Sujeet Singhal
Suggestions:Increase the Tax limits for Service Persons.

Sat Feb 10 19:22:35 2001
Name:Jignesh Khakhar
Suggestions:Dear Finance Minister, Please bare on the service people and try to make personal income tax limit to 100000 or 120000 from current limit of 60000. Another thing is that india is on a road to bankrupcy. Please try to control the fiscal deficit and government's debt. You can easily do it by cutting government's expenditure. Please Don't try to adjust it by Disinvestment route. Thanks.

Sat Feb 10 20:15:34 2001
Suggestions:Reduce unneccesary burdons on subsidary. Improve the tax collection rocess .It is shame that 13 millon people are paying the tax and rest of 990 million people are sharing that fruite. I hope you will give more thrust on infrastructure industry (Roads, Tele communications) this will automatically leads the county into new destiny.

Sat Feb 10 21:18:31 2001
Name:nilanjana chatterjee
Suggestions:changing passward

Sat Feb 10 21:49:07 2001

Sat Feb 10 21:52:31 2001
Suggestions:personnel IT limit to be raised to atleast 1,50,000 with 25% bracket. 2% IT burden for Gujrat to be removed. Rail way fares be raised.

Sat Feb 10 22:17:18 2001
Name:B Raghuram
Suggestions:Althugh there is a immediate burden on the Government in terms of providing relief to Gujarat earthquake victims, Government should provide some relief to salaried section. However, this loss could be offset by widening the tax net.

Sat Feb 10 23:23:21 2001
Name:Pandya K N
Suggestions:What type of Special Tax you will imposed to the stupid politicin who do not care for nation ? compared to salary class middle class cityzen. If your roller affect to salary class or middle class why you spare to them ? Only to save your current job. In my office there is a vacancy for you if you have any fear please join.

Sat Feb 10 23:28:13 2001
Name:Ramesh N J
Suggestions:Cheaper credit for people --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since individual credit history can not be tracked in India at present, the next best thing we can do is to create an institution of loan agents. These loan agents would lend money to individuals as per their own norms and bear full risk for the loans as far as FI's are concerned. FI's can develop their own norms for their credit rating, credit limit, lending rates and accounting the downstream activities of the loan agents. It is important not to regulate the down stream activities of the loan agents i.e. no restrictions on lending amount, interest he charges, term of payment, collateral needs, purpose of loan etc. instead reliance would be on increasing market's competitiveness to drive down better terms for the consumers. This mechanism would institutionalize traditional moneylenders, pawnbrokers, loan sharks and others whom we have traditionally been seeing as evil though they have been providing a useful service to the society. The loan agent thereby shall become an efficient conduit to funnel affordable consumer credits to people at large. This approach shall provide employment to millions of loan agents in the country, spur consumer demands in rural and urban areas.

Sat Feb 10 23:31:35 2001

Sat Feb 10 23:35:25 2001
Name:Dr. Kailesh Bhalani
Suggestions:As far as possible,each & every type of fees, charges, payment to & by the government should be direcrly linked to the dearness & should be updated annually or atleast regularly. So that balance can be maintained between the actual income & expenditure made by the government. Because sometimes some charges and fees to be paid to the government are not updated for years and then suddenly, when the charges or fees are increased by 3-4 or more times then the decision maker has to face strong opposition from the people and opposite parties. Instead a system should be established so that each and every charge will get automatically updated at the end of the financial year according the dearness figure declared by the government.

Sat Feb 10 23:36:47 2001
Name:Dr. Kailesh Bhalani
Suggestions:As far as possible,each & every type of fees, charges, payment to & by the government should be direcrly linked to the dearness & should be updated annually or atleast regularly. So that balance can be maintained between the actual income & expenditure made by the government. Because sometimes some charges and fees to be paid to the government are not updated for years and then suddenly, when the charges or fees are increased by 3-4 or more times then the decision maker has to face strong opposition from the people and opposite parties. Instead a system should be established so that each and every charge will get automatically updated at the end of the financial year according the dearness figure declared by the government.

Sat Feb 10 23:51:45 2001
Suggestions:The earth-quake surcharge should be re-named as 'donation' to win the salaried class peoples' sentiments and create a better image for the surcharge levied which is very essential for the benefit of the needy. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Santanu **End of report**

Sun Feb 11 01:08:27 2001
Suggestions:The tax % in the maximum salary bracket is very high. You often give statistics that this rate is no higher than US, UK, etc. But these governments provide many benefits like social security, health care and unemployment allowance. Are these given in India? Kindly remove atleast the surcharge from this year.

Sun Feb 11 06:05:33 2001
Name:Dr. Jagdish Mishra
Suggestions: Hon'ble FM 1. A retired person has to wait 5 to 7 years to become a senior citizen. He ought to get this honour just on retirement. 2. An honest tax payer with a pan i card shold get the advantage in railway reservation (spl.counter) 3. A senior citizen shold be allowed not to file returns if the total tax payable is less than 15000 in the 5 previous years (year of retirement - year of becoming senior citizen) Sincerely jmishra 11.2.01

Sun Feb 11 06:47:46 2001
Name:Pardaman Singh
Suggestions:Hello Mr. Minister, First of all I would like to make it clear that I am totally pro taxes and not against them. Taxes is what the people of a civilized society pay, to stay that way. The problem I have is the way "system" in my country (consistently if I may add) keeps taxing the salary class individuals and it leaves the business class people with a bazillion loopholes that they effectively use to get away and not pay their dues. With the Gujarat tragedy striking us during and after the Republic day in 2001 - yes, the country will have to pay a price. Not a problem with that - I accept. But PLEASE FOR HEAVENS SAKE - figure out a way of broadening your tax base rather than keep adding surcharges, and further charges to the people who are already paying their dues. With the way the tax system works, it really, really, pinches to see super rich farmers getting the fertilizer subsidies, the petrol pump owners getting rich, the shop owners getting rich. Hardly an incentive to pay taxes Mr. Minister. God Help my country. You can't change the system in a day - but please give it your best try. And by that I mean your VERY BEST TRY. Best of Luck. Regards Pardaman Singh

Sun Feb 11 07:29:09 2001
Suggestions:Respected sir, I like to suggest that as you have imposed Gujrath surcharge ,you can also impose surcharge on import duty . This will have two effects ,1. it will increase the revenue . 2.This increase will give little relief to Indian Industries.3.No international community will oppose this type of tax. So to my Knowledge this the better option to collect money for Gujrath relief and rehabiliation.

Sun Feb 11 07:45:11 2001
Suggestions:Respected Sir, I Want to suggest to you that presently we have 10% slab of income tax on indl and huf, instead you can collect any small amount as income tax regestration fee from all IT payee anually. Because many IT PAN holder are avoiding a tax by showing income little below Rs.50000. The revenue collected by this way will be more than the present way and You can estimate the fix basic collection for the paticular Year.

Sun Feb 11 07:48:53 2001
Name:arvind singh
Suggestions:Here are some suggestions to increase your earnings through the NRI's ( I am myself an NRI) 1. impose a special duty of at least $100 which will come from the pocket of every professional who is sent abroad on H1/B1 visas. Every professional/manager who works abroad even for a month's time easily saves more than $1000 (at least a software professional) and this amount should be deducted from the salary by the employer like the TDS. Given the huge number of professional working abroad who are either sent by an Indian company or they work through an Indian company this will earn you a huge amount of money either in rupees or foreign currency. This is also a moral reponsibility of all those who go abroad and who have been brought up in India towards their homeland. 2. Increase the Airport tax. It is nothing to what you end up paying at Heathrow airport in London(38 pound sterling). Anyone whon is flying abroad will not be worried by an increase of Rs.1000-2000. You know you had lot of natural disasters as a reason. Infact you should inpose good airport tax for domestic travel also. 3. You could attract good foreign curency by providing better exchange rates to the NRI's (specially those who are either working on work permit or those who still reatin the Indian passport). The reason is that sooner or later these fellows bring their money back to India. But most of the time they keep in their foreign bank accounts, which do not earn them any good interest rate. But because of the falling rupee, they still make up the lost interest, in fact make a good profit. Also if they have to send money they send it in small chunks. But if they will get a better rate for their money in India these people will prefer to keep their money in Indian bank instead of the foreign bank. Also the interest on the NRI deposits in savings account in Indian banks is very low. 4. None of your Indian bannks which have a branch abroad provide a service that can be matched to any of the foreign banks. Their employees are useless and they do not understand that they are actually representating their country in the foreign land. If you want to open an NRI account with them it will take at least 15 days to 1 months time for the same. You go and try to send money to India, and you will find that first they will charge a good amount of fees and then they say that it will take a good hell of at least 15 days to 1 month for the money to get deposited in the Indian Acoount. This is the worst kind of service. Well these are just a few suggestions. I have got a whole list of them. You are a very learned person yourself. Thanks and best regards. Arvind Kumar Singh

Sun Feb 11 07:56:36 2001
Name:Madhur Baya
Suggestions:The hon'ble FM might like to come out with a VDI scheme - the exact mechanisms may differ - with a Gujarat Earthquake focus, as this, I feel would work at two levels - firstly, make undisclosed incomes legal tender and secondly, make the declarants proud in having contributed for a worthy cause. This should lessen the burden on the as-it-is overtaxed honest tax payer.

Sun Feb 11 09:13:04 2001
Name:Ranjan Mimani
Suggestions:Dear FM, The framing of the Budget is surely an unenviable and thankless task and please accept my good wishes for it. My only concern is regarding the unorganised indusrties running in and around Delhi and the impact it is having on core sectors like copper , automobile components etc. These so called SSI's flourish in the garb of small industry but in many cases compete with the organised sector in terms of production while contributing merely around 10 % of the revenue in terms of excise, sales tax. Compliance would be much better if the source of theft is sealed rather than monitoring the place of consumption or movement of these cladestinely removed goods. Hope the budget contains some measures to curb this malappropriation of resources. Thanks and best wishes, Ranjan Mimani

Sun Feb 11 11:52:56 2001
Suggestions:Family Planning ================ India is a subhuman hellhole, something Mr. Yashwant sinha or his brethren living in a green island in the filthy horrible city and country of delhi will probably not understand or prioritize. The full horror of this country (Indians call it "the mystique of india") is only apparent to someone who has lived in the civilized environs of europe and america, such as, for instance, Mr. Sinha's Own children. It is time to generate strong financial incentives for family planning : 1. Large Tax relief for families that have one child (2 is too much, we must REDUCE rather than try to maintain a population of 1.3 bn) In addition, those individuals who have undergone STERILIZATION AND HAVE ONE OR NO CHILDREN shall have the following benefits: 2. preferential award of contracts, superseding even lowest bidder considerations. 3. preferential employment, superseding considerations of caste or whatever bullshit applies currently. 4. ONLY those people's child (Note, not children) shall be eligible to be "government scholars" in "Public" schools in ADDITION to considerations of merit as currently apply of course. 5. RATION Cards. All others shall NOT get ration cards. 6. Transportation privileges - You may institute a "Car permit" a la singapore and mandate that all others shall not be eligible to get one. Surely one can think of many others. Will a politician, ever, in your accursed country rise to be a statesman? Does this hellhole of a country have a future, one that will look at least a little like the civilized nations of the west?

Sun Feb 11 12:32:28 2001
Name:Pradip Goradia
Suggestions:Please clarify further the conditions of deduction under section 80IB(10) by way of rules or circulation as this section is likely to give benefit to the larger section of the builder community and economy as a whole. This will contribute towards the eradication of ragime of black money from the real estate business to greater extent.

Sun Feb 11 12:52:10 2001
Suggestions:Give insurance cover to then assessee to the tune of income declared by him by increasing the raate a littlebit under the groupisurance schemes of LIC

Sun Feb 11 12:55:53 2001
Name:harish goyal
Suggestions:Salaried people are given deductions for there house hold expenses(STANDARD DEDUCTIONS) but partners in firms are not allowed any such deductions for their household expenses. Please undo this injustice.

Sun Feb 11 13:56:39 2001

Sun Feb 11 14:04:32 2001
Name:Dr Nagin Chand
Suggestions:Dear Sir, I have the following suggestions: 1. Brain-drain should be tapped to obtain valuable forex for the development of the country. As trained people go out, their emplyers must offset the advantage by paying, say 5 percent of the pay packet, to the Govt. of India. 2. In resurce allocations, most of the NEW adventures go to already highly developed centres, such as Delhi, Bangalore, Calcutta, etc. I feel, in line with the spirit of the constitution, newer exterprises/initiatives should be decided by a more unbiased means for our people to be equal participants in the Nation Building as well as getting the benefits of opening up of ventures in terms of better education, more jobs, etc. 3. Even when the internet has made such inroads into out polity, the telephone charges are simply unjustifiably high. The chatges need to be rationalised. In fact, with more use the rental should go down. OR charge some percentage of the total calls made as the rent. Nevertheless, it needs your urgent attention. 4. The cost of electricity should not be hiked at all. Rather, one must try to recover the unpaid charges as well as bring those enjoying the electricity without paying for it. Thanking you, Yours (Nagin Chand) A-25, Vikaspuri, New Delhi 110 018 559 7856

Sun Feb 11 16:02:58 2001
Name:ravikant zanwar
Suggestions: rates of deprication on vehicle should be reduced

Sun Feb 11 16:47:32 2001
Suggestions:Cost of the computer may be allowed as deduction over a period of 3years from the salary income.

Sun Feb 11 16:48:06 2001
Suggestions:Cost of the computer may be allowed as deduction over a period of 3years from the salary income.

Sun Feb 11 17:28:27 2001
Name:Shailesh Kulkarni
Suggestions:Dear Sir, I really feel Under the Name of Globalization India is loosing the self identity. The middle class who is the real tax player and sincere tax player is suffering. Even Farmers are also not getting benefits correctly. ***Please do not give blind support or encourangement to Computer industry.. On the other hand small scale industries should get better support so that jobs could be created. Give some tax benefits to the companies who will take the initiative in adapting villages, cities and making those villages, cities clean and neat in turn making the country beautiful.

Sun Feb 11 18:23:21 2001
Name:subhash b. patil
Suggestions:aadarniya arth mantriji, aap swadeshi ka vichar karate nahin aisa anubhav aa raha hai.bade dukh ke saath kahana pad raha hai ke videshi cycles tatha doodh , phal aadi bhi yahan aa rahe hain. videshi karja milane par aap dene wale ke gale milate huye dekh kar bahut bura lagata hai.BH.JA.PA. ke mantr se yaha ummid nahin thi. ek matdata hone ke karan saathiyonke rojgar jate hain to mere mantri aisa kaise kar rahe hain,pata nahin chalta. kam se kam aap ki majbooriyan kya hain yaha to prakat karen,jis se ham sab logonko uttar de sake. annyath mere jaise anek log aapse tatha mananiya ataljise bhi bahoot naraj hain. aasha karata hoon ki budget swadeshi avashyakatonke anusar hoga. is patra ke uttar ki pratiksha me, aapka ek matdar, subhash b.patil

Sun Feb 11 18:24:19 2001
Name:subhash b. patil
Suggestions:aadarniya arth mantriji, aap swadeshi ka vichar karate nahin aisa anubhav aa raha hai.bade dukh ke saath kahana pad raha hai ke videshi cycles tatha doodh , phal aadi bhi yahan aa rahe hain. videshi karja milane par aap dene wale ke gale milate huye dekh kar bahut bura lagata hai.BH.JA.PA. ke mantr se yaha ummid nahin thi. ek matdata hone ke karan saathiyonke rojgar jate hain to mere mantri aisa kaise kar rahe hain,pata nahin chalta. kam se kam aap ki majbooriyan kya hain yaha to prakat karen,jis se ham sab logonko uttar de sake. annyath mere jaise anek log aapse tatha mananiya ataljise bhi bahoot naraj hain. aasha karata hoon ki budget swadeshi avashyakatonke anusar hoga. is patra ke uttar ki pratiksha me, aapka ek matdar, subhash b.patil

Sun Feb 11 18:24:59 2001
Name:subhash b. patil
Suggestions:aadarniya arth mantriji, aap swadeshi ka vichar karate nahin aisa anubhav aa raha hai.bade dukh ke saath kahana pad raha hai ke videshi cycles tatha doodh , phal aadi bhi yahan aa rahe hain. videshi karja milane par aap dene wale ke gale milate huye dekh kar bahut bura lagata hai.BH.JA.PA. ke mantr se yaha ummid nahin thi. ek matdata hone ke karan saathiyonke rojgar jate hain to mere mantri aisa kaise kar rahe hain,pata nahin chalta. kam se kam aap ki majbooriyan kya hain yaha to prakat karen,jis se ham sab logonko uttar de sake. annyath mere jaise anek log aapse tatha mananiya ataljise bhi bahoot naraj hain. aasha karata hoon ki budget swadeshi avashyakatonke anusar hoga. is patra ke uttar ki pratiksha me, aapka ek matdar, subhash b.patil

Sun Feb 11 18:27:14 2001
Name:subhash b. patil
Suggestions:aadarniya arth mantriji, aap swadeshi ka vichar karate nahin aisa anubhav aa raha hai.bade dukh ke saath kahana pad raha hai ke videshi cycles tatha doodh , phal aadi bhi yahan aa rahe hain. videshi karja milane par aap dene wale ke gale milate huye dekh kar bahut bura lagata hai.BH.JA.PA. ke mantr se yaha ummid nahin thi. ek matdata hone ke karan saathiyonke rojgar jate hain to mere mantri aisa kaise kar rahe hain,pata nahin chalta. kam se kam aap ki majbooriyan kya hain yaha to prakat karen,jis se ham sab logonko uttar de sake. annyath mere jaise anek log aapse tatha mananiya ataljise bhi bahoot naraj hain. aasha karata hoon ki budget swadeshi avashyakatonke anusar hoga. is patra ke uttar ki pratiksha me, aapka ek matdar, subhash b.patil

Sun Feb 11 18:27:53 2001
Name:subhash b. patil
Suggestions:aadarniya arth mantriji, aap swadeshi ka vichar karate nahin aisa anubhav aa raha hai.bade dukh ke saath kahana pad raha hai ke videshi cycles tatha doodh , phal aadi bhi yahan aa rahe hain. videshi karja milane par aap dene wale ke gale milate huye dekh kar bahut bura lagata hai.BH.JA.PA. ke mantr se yaha ummid nahin thi. ek matdata hone ke karan saathiyonke rojgar jate hain to mere mantri aisa kaise kar rahe hain,pata nahin chalta. kam se kam aap ki majbooriyan kya hain yaha to prakat karen,jis se ham sab logonko uttar de sake. annyath mere jaise anek log aapse tatha mananiya ataljise bhi bahoot naraj hain. aasha karata hoon ki budget swadeshi avashyakatonke anusar hoga. is patra ke uttar ki pratiksha me, aapka ek matdar, subhash b.patil

Sun Feb 11 19:15:57 2001
Suggestions:I would i to have exice duty decrease on super enamel copper winding wire by at least 4%

Sun Feb 11 20:09:25 2001
Suggestions:The new budget shall contain provision for higher tax rebate on savings, may be from existing Rs.12000/- to Rs 25000/-. Standard deduction may also be increased due hiher cost of expenditure done to discharge duties.

Sun Feb 11 20:43:50 2001

Sun Feb 11 20:44:04 2001

Sun Feb 11 22:03:57 2001
Suggestions:Dear Sir, In the changing circumstances i feel that the exemption of 60000 on PPF LIC Premium etc under Sec 88 An additional exemption of say 20000 or 40000 should be given exclusivly to Life Insurance Premiums only so that it will encourage people to take Insurance and will help reduce finiancial burden on Government during natural calamities Insured people need not be given Aid during Floods Earthquake etc if the Aid amount is less than the sum assured LIC can pay 25% or 50 % more of the Sum assured if death is due to Fllods Earthquake or any National Calamity Kindly acknowledge with comment Mahes baliga

Sun Feb 11 22:08:42 2001
Suggestions:Dear Sir, In the changing circumstances i feel that the exemption of 60000 on PPF LIC Premium etc under Sec 88 An additional exemption of say 20000 or 40000 should be given exclusivly to Life Insurance Premiums only so that it will encourage people to take Insurance and will help reduce finiancial burden on Government during natural calamities Insured people need not be given Aid during Floods Earthquake etc if the Aid amount is less than the sum assured LIC can pay 25% or 50 % more of the Sum assured if death is due to Fllods Earthquake or any National Calamity Kindly acknowledge with comment Mahes baliga

Sun Feb 11 22:36:14 2001
Name:kamlesh vijay
Suggestions:why cant india have lotteries on the lines of uk,chaina. south africa,even you can creat Natural clamaties fund to the tune of 10000 crors out of lottery. if required i can come personally and explain hte same.

Sun Feb 11 22:52:05 2001
Name:kamlesh vijay
Suggestions:why cant india have lotteries on the lines of uk,chaina. south africa,even you can creat Natural clamaties fund to the tune of 10000 crors out of lottery. if required i can come personally and explain hte same.

Sun Feb 11 23:20:21 2001
Name:R. Vasudeva reddy
Suggestions:Hon'minister sir, I request uou to increase the standard deduction to Rs.40000 and increase the maximum exempted total income from Rs. 50000 to Rs.80000. The tax rates can be like this.80000 to 1 50 000 20% and 1 50 000 to Rs.2 50 000 30% and the income above 2 50 000 should be 35%. I also request you to impose the surcharge only when the taxable income exceeds 2 50 000. I also request you to delete certain provisions mentioned here under. Entertainment allowance exemption neednot be giveen, Childrens education allowance, childrens hostel allowance,etc., even if they are given also very meagre amount is exempted and it is creating lot of confusion in the minds of the assesses as well as leading to certain malpractices. i also request you to see that in the place of tax rebate urelating to qualified savings, the old method of giving deduction from the gross total income should be reintroduced I hope that your goodself will reduce the backbreaking tax burden of salaried class. Vasudev Reddy Ravula.

Sun Feb 11 23:21:05 2001
Name:R. Vasudeva reddy
Suggestions:Hon'minister sir, I request uou to increase the standard deduction to Rs.40000 and increase the maximum exempted total income from Rs. 50000 to Rs.80000. The tax rates can be like this.80000 to 1 50 000 20% and 1 50 000 to Rs.2 50 000 30% and the income above 2 50 000 should be 35%. I also request you to impose the surcharge only when the taxable income exceeds 2 50 000. I also request you to delete certain provisions mentioned here under. Entertainment allowance exemption neednot be giveen, Childrens education allowance, childrens hostel allowance,etc., even if they are given also very meagre amount is exempted and it is creating lot of confusion in the minds of the assesses as well as leading to certain malpractices. i also request you to see that in the place of tax rebate urelating to qualified savings, the old method of giving deduction from the gross total income should be reintroduced I hope that your goodself will reduce the backbreaking tax burden of salaried class. Vasudev Reddy Ravula.

Sun Feb 11 23:28:41 2001
Name:arun bansal
Suggestions:I feel that in Gujrat disaster there are thousands of families whose all the members are died. And there savings in bank,P.O. and deposits in M.F. & Stocks may be unclaimed. You may utilise these money to part fund your deficit or other useful social development activities.

Mon Feb 12 09:40:25 2001
Name:Aparna Tulpule
Suggestions:Tax temples.

Mon Feb 12 09:40:26 2001
Name:Aparna Tulpule
Suggestions:Tax temples.

Mon Feb 12 09:48:47 2001
Suggestions: hii hello

Mon Feb 12 10:25:24 2001
Name:Neeraj Gupta
Suggestions:Hi yash, how are you. I hope you will try to balance the budget most appropriately and efficiently so that it won't put a burden on one section of the society. So try to organize the various sections of the budget in such a way, that it should satisfy or atleast try to satisfy the whole society.

Mon Feb 12 10:25:31 2001
Name:Neeraj Gupta
Suggestions:Hi yash, how are you. I hope you will try to balance the budget most appropriately and efficiently so that it won't put a burden on one section of the society. So try to organize the various sections of the budget in such a way, that it should satisfy or atleast try to satisfy the whole society.

Mon Feb 12 12:21:08 2001
Suggestions:Dear Sir, Child educaton rebate is very less, we are paying fees per child per month Rs 300 to 400 per month deduction from salary per child Rs 600 is very less pl increse to Rs 3000 per child

Mon Feb 12 13:08:26 2001
Suggestions:please do something for population control

Mon Feb 12 13:28:15 2001
Name:deepak misra
Suggestions:sir,lessen the tax and government will get much money. whole black money will come out.

Mon Feb 12 14:02:09 2001
Suggestions:Sir, Ilike to suggest that kindly reduce the expenditure of govrernament offices and its officals .Where some offical are doing nothing in the offices but their are been paid for no work. if you bring down the staff in the these office it is itself a big saveings for the governament. Ido hope you consider my request for in coming budget 2001

Mon Feb 12 14:02:22 2001
Suggestions:Hon'ble FM, At least spare the ordinary salaried class IT payers in this budget. For so many last years though these people are not given any ray of hope as far as IT is concerned, atleast spare them this time. Create a group another category of IT payers upto annual income of Rs.5 lakhs.

Mon Feb 12 18:21:00 2001
Name:s n garud
Suggestions:To, Honourable Finance Minster of India IN this budget please do not addition of taxes. Because the peoples cannot pay the taxes mindly, and another suggestion no deduct amount on Defence because our neighbours are not good. sincerely yours sumant garud

Mon Feb 12 18:22:00 2001
Name:s n garud
Suggestions:To, Honourable Finance Minster of India IN this budget please do not addition of taxes. Because the peoples cannot pay the taxes mindly, and another suggestion no deduct amount on Defence because our neighbours are not good. sincerely yours sumant garud

Mon Feb 12 20:11:33 2001
Name:Nitin Jaswal
Suggestions:* Monolith inefficient,unproductive servant- include accountability/introduce efficency incentives/ cut down misusable and other allowances/ extending perks not available to a commoner. *Why not have road tax as part of patrol cost. You pay as much as you use. * Extend income tax to all govt employees

Mon Feb 12 20:40:30 2001
Name:Kartik Deora
Suggestions:If the economy must grow, we must encourage SSIs to develop into medium scale industries - else they will perish in the wake of WTO - import liberalization. There is a cap of 1 crore for plastic articles manufacturers else they pay excise. This year we have curtalied sales so that we do not get under excise jurisdiction and undue harassement from excise officials - as we would marginally cross 1 crore to 1.15 crore or so. But, lets think of the future - maybe next year we would progress from 1.15 to 1.3 crore - also if inflation is going to go up - in our terms we import raw material - and rupee has depreciated - if our cost goes up, we charge the consumer more - hence if sales in rupees remain a constant, and our price per item increases - in turn our production and output in units will decrease - then we wonder how come Maharashtra is not purchasing some exponential amount of power each year (in the context of Enron)when the GDP may be rising - to think of it we are killing the spirit of mass production and puting a nail in our own coffin, so don't blame China!

Mon Feb 12 20:42:04 2001
Name:Kartik Deora
Suggestions:If the economy must grow, we must encourage SSIs to develop into medium scale industries - else they will perish in the wake of WTO - import liberalization. There is a cap of 1 crore for plastic articles manufacturers else they pay excise. This year we have curtalied sales so that we do not get under excise jurisdiction and undue harassement from excise officials - as we would marginally cross 1 crore to 1.15 crore or so. But, lets think of the future - maybe next year we would progress from 1.15 to 1.3 crore - also if inflation is going to go up - in our terms we import raw material - and rupee has depreciated - if our cost goes up, we charge the consumer more - hence if sales in rupees remain a constant, and our price per item increases - in turn our production and output in units will decrease - then we wonder how come Maharashtra is not purchasing some exponential amount of power each year (in the context of Enron)when the GDP may be rising - to think of it we are killing the spirit of mass production and puting a nail in our own coffin, so don't blame China!

Mon Feb 12 21:01:27 2001
Name:Atul Bhalerao
Suggestions:I am working as an accountant in a coompany. I always have to interact with Bank's specially with overseas branch. Our Bank is nationalised. Looking at the service we receive from them I strongly feel that Privatisation of banks is a must. This is Specially to Banl of Maharashtra, Bank of India have the worst services and arogant staff. We are 100 % EOU. We are now thinking to transfer our account to private bank. Please give a thought to it. Atul Bhalerao Pune, Maharashtra India Phone 4487994/ 7461994

Mon Feb 12 21:25:34 2001
Name:Subray Bhat
Suggestions:kindly change the ESIC and PF which deduct from the small contractor, where they employed 3to 4 person and Impose a reqular workmen compensation from General Insurance Corporation. It is always better for contractor as well as an employer. You should impose minimum 1 lakh insurance and made the rule very easy to get the compensation from the Insurance co. Less Paper work.

Mon Feb 12 21:30:34 2001
Name:Subray Bhat
Suggestions:kindly change the ESIC and PF which deduct from the small contractor, where they employed 3to 4 person and Impose a reqular workmen compensation from General Insurance Corporation. It is always better for contractor as well as an employer. You should impose minimum 1 lakh insurance and made the rule very easy to get the compensation from the Insurance co. Less Paper work.

Mon Feb 12 21:51:22 2001
Name:Gitesh Kubal
Suggestions:Sir, Regarding Quake situation you have imposed 2% surcharge on IT, which is going to affect a common man. Why the don't you create new schemes or ideas to recollect the tax from Tax Defaulters which estimates around 6000 crores of rupees?

Mon Feb 12 22:19:20 2001
Suggestions:Respected sir, I think sir; you are in a tension to prepare the annual budget for the year 2001-2001. Now tragedies are hitting over our country as earthquakes, floods, storm and terrorisms. Opposition parties and the other members of NDA are not willing to cut the subsidies, which is the burden of Indian economy. But sir; I think our Govt. must take some bold steps (but it is the very easiest way to raise the revenue) and to make a lot of money for the development of our country. And our finance ministers in the past are not interested in this type of taxation method, which I am referring below. I am not an economist. A common man who is praying for the fast development of our nation and to wipe out the sorrows of our poor people the backbone of our country. My name is Asokakumar, residing at ‘Magadha’, Kolazhi, Chiralayam in the town named Kunnamkulam of Thrissur District, in Kerala State.(Pin.680503). I have some ideas to boost our economy in simple ways. Sir; you can take this seriously or ignore it. But before throwing this to waste basket, Pls go through these lines and some times you will get some ideas from this file. Step 1. Many of our Indians are employed abroad, specially Keralites. We must get 100% of customs duty from the passengers. But in my view 90% of our revenue is filling the pockets of some officers and staffs as bribe and Indian Govt. gets only 10% revenue from the airports. This is true or a naked truth every common passenger knew. Have our Govt. officials think about it? How much revenue is Govt. loosing out. My suggestions: Let us introduce a new scheme to the NRI’s “ VARADHAAN” (Boon). Give an instruction to all incoming NRI’s to take a IT coupon worth 100$ (Or equivalent foreign currency) per air ticket from the Banks, Counsels, Embassies or from Aviation companies and give them an opportunity to take 30kgs of goods instead of 20kgs as luggage (except gold, armaments, drugs and other Govt.banned products) and they must be allowed to enter through green channels without paying a single paise as custom duty. There are two advantages in this scheme. One to stop the bribery in the airports and the Govt. will get full revenue from the incoming passengers. Let us make a simple calculation. 100$ from minimum 200 passengers in an aircraft will be equal to 20,000$ per aircraft. I think minimum of 50 planes are landing in our country from several foreign countries daily. Let us take 25 schedules and it make 20,000$ * 25 = 5,00000$ revenue in foreign currency per day and 1,50,00000$ per month. This scheme will be a boon to our NRI’s and they will all welcome this. Step 2 I am a document writer dealing with several documents for registering the deeds in the business of real estate. And I know 95% of our people are doing malpractices to escape from the income Tax department. White money is converting to black money. Why can’t we stop it? And the Govt. is not getting any taxes from this people. My suggestions: Let us raise the limit of ITC certificate to 25,0000/- instead of 5,00000/- Please avoid the question “ SOURCE OF INCOME” . instead of asking for source of income let us introduce new taxes for transactions. Amount Vendor Purchaser Below 10,000/- 100/- 100/- 10,000/- to 1 lakh 200/- 200/- 1 lakh to 5 lakhs 1000/- 1000/- 5lacs to 10 lakhs 2000/- 2000/- 10 lakhs to 15 lakhs 3000/- 3000/- 15 to 25lakhs 5000/- 5000/- Above 25 lakhs 10000/- 10000/- In my opinion the revenue from this will be much higher than any other taxes. Step.3 Avoid “ Source of Income” on purchase of new vehicles. Collect tax at the time of purchase and ignore the source from the money comes. 2 wheelers, mopeds and motorcycles below 100 cc 500/- 100 cc motorcycles and 3 wheelers 600/- Above 100cc 750/- 4 wheelers below 3,00,000 rupees 1500/- …Do……….. 5,00,000/- 2500/- …Do……….. 7,00,000/- 3000/- …Do…Above 700000/- 5000/- All types of Heavy-duty vehicles 5000/- These are all for new vehicles. What about the second hand vehicle transactions…0% My suggestions Charge a tax at the time of changing registrations every time All types of 2 wheelers and 3 wheelers 50/- All types of 4 wheelers 100/- All types of Heavy duty vehicles. 200/- Step 4 Collect Rs.25/- as income tax each time on renewal of driving licenses from all persons. Step 5 Collect Rs.50/- from all inland air passengers and First class or executive railway tickets. Step 6. Collect Rs.500/- from all branded or assembled computer buyers at the time of purchase. Step 7 Collect Rs.1000/- per year from all the contractors, advocates, professionals, document writers who need a license from the Govt. and the tax must be collected at the time of renewal of their licenses. Step 8 Why to fear the cell phone users, telephone consumers, credit card holders, and Internet users. All are afraid to accept the new technology because of the IT. My suggestions. Collect Rs.10/- at the time of purchase of simcards for cell phone, Rs.100/- yearly from all telephone users and internet users, Rs.1000/- yearly from all credit card holders. Step 9 Collect taxes for all purchase of electric-electronic products: Rs. 10/- for every product ranging from 500 to 3000/- Rs.50/- for every product ranging from 3000 to 5000/- Rs.100/- 5000 to 8000 Rs.150/- do 8000 to 15000/- Rs.200/- do 15000 to 25000/- Rs.500/- Above 25000/- Step 10 Introduce tax on every purchase of textile goods, gold and silver ornaments 10Rs for every purchase exceeding bill amount 1000 to 3000 25Rs 3000 to 5000 50Rs 5000 to 7000 100Rs 7000 to 10000 250Rs Above 10000/- Step11 Impose a tax of Rs50/- on all electric (Household) bills. Impose IT on every purchase of Foreign liquors Rs.10 for 750ml, Rs.25 for 1ltr, Rs.5 for 500ml and 250ml. Collect taxes from wooden furniture buyers. Make higher taxes on cigarettes Step 12 Collect taxes from every fixed deposit recipts exceeding 5000Rs and avoid the term source of income from the common people. 100 Rs for deposits of 10000/-, 150Rs for 10000 to 30000 deposits, 250/- for 30000 to 50000, 300Rs for 50000 to 100000, 500 for 100000 to 3lakhs, 1000Rs for 3lakhs to 5lakhs, 2500Rs for 5lakhs and above. Step 12 Collect Rs.10/- as tax for every online purchase. For collecting this amount introduce IT COUPONS ranging from 5Rs to 10000Rs which is available in all banks, R.T.O, S.R.O duly signed by the IT personal or authorized officer of Income Tax department which includes the name and address of the buyer and seller or dealer, name of the product, serial no of the product, value of the product, bill no, date of purchase, signatures of the vendors and purchasers and also a text showing that this coupon should be produced before any IT officials on request and the IT CARD is not transferable. The delears can collect the coupons in any denominations from any banks on payment and it is punishable under section….. for misusing the card or for not issuing the card to the customers. And 100$ IT card for the NRI’s Conclusion : 3/4TH of our population is using their brains to make false accounts to escape from IT. Sir, why can’t we make a change? Let them use their 1/4th brain for accounts and 3/4th to develop their business or industry and make India world leader. We can….sir, Govt. can contribute 25 or 50% of income from the above revenue for the development of the states. Sir we can build a super express highway and meet our expense from the tax mentioned in the step3 and 4. “Something is better than nothing” You can hike the income tax limit to 150000/- that will be cheered from the employees and thus we get another term of 5 years. We can adjust the budget without increasing other taxes on common man. I have many to tell. If you have a good mood to read this mail, sir please respond in my address and I will be honored. MERA BHARATH MAHAN………..BHARATH MATHA KI JAI Thank you, ASOKA KUMAR, MAGADHA, KOLAZHI, CHIRALAYAM, KUNNAMKULAM, THRISSUR,(DT) KERALA STATE. 680 503. e-mail : Respected sir, I think sir; you are in a tension to prepare the annual budget for the year 2001-2001. Now tragedies are hitting over our country as earthquakes, floods, storm and terrorisms. Opposition parties and the other members of NDA are not willing to cut the subsidies, which is the burden of Indian economy. But sir; I think our Govt. must take some bold steps (but it is the very easiest way to raise the revenue) and to make a lot of money for the development of our country. And our finance ministers in the past are not interested in this type of taxation method, which I am referring below. I am not an economist. A common man who is praying for the fast development of our nation and to wipe out the sorrows of our poor people the backbone of our country. My name is Asokakumar, residing at ‘Magadha’, Kolazhi, Chiralayam in the town named Kunnamkulam of Thrissur District, in Kerala State.(Pin.680503). I have some ideas to boost our economy in simple ways. Sir; you can take this seriously or ignore it. But before throwing this to waste basket, Pls go through these lines and some times you will get some ideas from this file. Step 1. Many of our Indians are employed abroad, specially Keralites. We must get 100% of customs duty from the passengers. But in my view 90% of our revenue is filling the pockets of some officers and staffs as bribe and Indian Govt. gets only 10% revenue from the airports. This is true or a naked truth every common passenger knew. Have our Govt. officials think about it? How much revenue is Govt. loosing out. My suggestions: Let us introduce a new scheme to the NRI’s “ VARADHAAN” (Boon). Give an instruction to all incoming NRI’s to take a IT coupon worth 100$ (Or equivalent foreign currency) per air ticket from the Banks, Counsels, Embassies or from Aviation companies and give them an opportunity to take 30kgs of goods instead of 20kgs as luggage (except gold, armaments, drugs and other Govt.banned products) and they must be allowed to enter through green channels without paying a single paise as custom duty. There are two advantages in this scheme. One to stop the bribery in the airports and the Govt. will get full revenue from the incoming passengers. Let us make a simple calculation. 100$ from minimum 200 passengers in an aircraft will be equal to 20,000$ per aircraft. I think minimum of 50 planes are landing in our country from several foreign countries daily. Let us take 25 schedules and it make 20,000$ * 25 = 5,00000$ revenue in foreign currency per day and 1,50,00000$ per month. This scheme will be a boon to our NRI’s and they will all welcome this. Step 2 I am a document writer dealing with several documents for registering the deeds in the business of real estate. And I know 95% of our people are doing malpractices to escape from the income Tax department. White money is converting to black money. Why can’t we stop it? And the Govt. is not getting any taxes from this people. My suggestions: Let us raise the limit of ITC certificate to 25,0000/- instead of 5,00000/- Please avoid the question “ SOURCE OF INCOME” . instead of asking for source of income let us introduce new taxes for transactions. Amount Vendor Purchaser Below 10,000/- 100/- 100/- 10,000/- to 1 lakh 200/- 200/- 1 lakh to 5 lakhs 1000/- 1000/- 5lacs to 10 lakhs 2000/- 2000/- 10 lakhs to 15 lakhs 3000/- 3000/- 15 to 25lakhs 5000/- 5000/- Above 25 lakhs 10000/- 10000/- In my opinion the revenue from this will be much higher than any other taxes. Step.3 Avoid “ Source of Income” on purchase of new vehicles. Collect tax at the time of purchase and ignore the source from the money comes. 2 wheelers, mopeds and motorcycles below 100 cc 500/- 100 cc motorcycles and 3 wheelers 600/- Above 100cc 750/- 4 wheelers below 3,00,000 rupees 1500/- …Do……….. 5,00,000/- 2500/- …Do……….. 7,00,000/- 3000/- …Do…Above 700000/- 5000/- All types of Heavy-duty vehicles 5000/- These are all for new vehicles. What about the second hand vehicle transactions…0% My suggestions Charge a tax at the time of changing registrations every time All types of 2 wheelers and 3 wheelers 50/- All types of 4 wheelers 100/- All types of Heavy duty vehicles. 200/- Step 4 Collect Rs.25/- as income tax each time on renewal of driving licenses from all persons. Step 5 Collect Rs.50/- from all inland air passengers and First class or executive railway tickets. Step 6. Collect Rs.500/- from all branded or assembled computer buyers at the time of purchase. Step 7 Collect Rs.1000/- per year from all the contractors, advocates, professionals, document writers who need a license from the Govt. and the tax must be collected at the time of renewal of their licenses. Step 8 Why to fear the cell phone users, telephone consumers, credit card holders, and Internet users. All are afraid to accept the new technology because of the IT. My suggestions. Collect Rs.10/- at the time of purchase of simcards for cell phone, Rs.100/- yearly from all telephone users and internet users, Rs.1000/- yearly from all credit card holders. Step 9 Collect taxes for all purchase of electric-electronic products: Rs. 10/- for every product ranging from 500 to 3000/- Rs.50/- for every product ranging from 3000 to 5000/- Rs.100/- 5000 to 8000 Rs.150/- do 8000 to 15000/- Rs.200/- do 15000 to 25000/- Rs.500/- Above 25000/- Step 10 Introduce tax on every purchase of textile goods, gold and silver ornaments 10Rs for every purchase exceeding bill amount 1000 to 3000 25Rs 3000 to 5000 50Rs 5000 to 7000 100Rs 7000 to 10000 250Rs Above 10000/- Step11 Impose a tax of Rs50/- on all electric (Household) bills. Impose IT on every purchase of Foreign liquors Rs.10 for 750ml, Rs.25 for 1ltr, Rs.5 for 500ml and 250ml. Collect taxes from wooden furniture buyers. Make higher taxes on cigarettes Step 12 Collect taxes from every fixed deposit recipts exceeding 5000Rs and avoid the term source of income from the common people. 100 Rs for deposits of 10000/-, 150Rs for 10000 to 30000 deposits, 250/- for 30000 to 50000, 300Rs for 50000 to 100000, 500 for 100000 to 3lakhs, 1000Rs for 3lakhs to 5lakhs, 2500Rs for 5lakhs and above. Step 12 Collect Rs.10/- as tax for every online purchase. For collecting this amount introduce IT COUPONS ranging from 5Rs to 10000Rs which is available in all banks, R.T.O, S.R.O duly signed by the IT personal or authorized officer of Income Tax department which includes the name and address of the buyer and seller or dealer, name of the product, serial no of the product, value of the product, bill no, date of purchase, signatures of the vendors and purchasers and also a text showing that this coupon should be produced before any IT officials on request and the IT CARD is not transferable. The delears can collect the coupons in any denominations from any banks on payment and it is punishable under section….. for misusing the card or for not issuing the card to the customers. And 100$ IT card for the NRI’s Conclusion : 3/4TH of our population is using their brains to make false accounts to escape from IT. Sir, why can’t we make a change? Let them use their 1/4th brain for accounts and 3/4th to develop their business or industry and make India world leader. We can….sir, Govt. can contribute 25 or 50% of income from the above revenue for the development of the states. Sir we can build a super express highway and meet our expense from the tax mentioned in the step3 and 4. “Something is better than nothing” You can hike the income tax limit to 150000/- that will be cheered from the employees and thus we get another term of 5 years. We can adjust the budget without increasing other taxes on common man. I have many to tell. If you have a good mood to read this mail, sir please respond in my address and I will be honored. MERA BHARATH MAHAN………..BHARATH MATHA KI JAI I have send this file to you sir through your email at Thank you, ASOKA KUMAR, MAGADHA, KOLAZHI, CHIRALAYAM, KUNNAMKULAM, THRISSUR,(DT) KERALA STATE. 680 503. e-mail :