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The Dragon

The Chinese consider the Year of the Dragon to be the best year in the Chinese zodiac. If you are born in this year you are considered magnanimous and full of vitality and strength. Known as the guardians of wealth and power you are not always easy to get along with, but have an exuberant personality. You also have tremendous self-confidence and know how to get exactly what you want out of life.

2004 will be a tough year for those born under the sign of the dragon, but you will not buckle down.

Do not take anything that happens personally. Do not over-analyse any situation. Do not stay depressed.

As the sun shines on you slowly yet surely, dead businesses will look up. An old romance that you thought was dead could rekindle in September.

Your future is in your hands. Make wise decisions, keeping in mind what is best for you.

Health-wise, you could face problems. Regular medical attention is required.

Stay in tune with yourself, emotionally, mentally and physically.

Compatible signs: Snake, Rat, Monkey, Rooster

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