April 20, 2001


'Is Indian life so cheap now?'

Thu Apr 19 12:30:47 2001
Name:Kamal Malhan
Views:We have been very timid so far. Bangladesh should be given a stern reply. It was dismal watching Indian Villagers with their belongings being driven away by the BDR. Why does Indian Army / BSF not give a taste of their strength to the BDR so that they remember it even in their dreams.

Thu Apr 19 12:30:48 2001
Name:Shantanu Sathe
Views:As a regional power its a disgrace on part of the Indian government for their subdued reation to the unwarrented Bangladeshi intrusion in Indian territory costing 16 valuable Indian lives. Its by far just more than a provocation and this should be met with not only a befitting reply but with a response that the bangladeshis will remember for long and shudder at the thought of any misadventure against India. If the government doesnt react sharply this will prove to be a disaster even worse than the tehelka episode, cause this will definitely turn the indian voters away from them. 16 lives cannot be a cost that can be forgotten and terriotorial acesion is out of question. Already 15 % of bangladeshs population live illegally in India the last that can be expected is illegitimate claim on Indian territory.

Thu Apr 19 12:31:00 2001
Views:India is a sheep in wolfs clothing...a pussy cat pretending to be a tiger. What else can I say? The home minister and his cohorts pretend that nothing happened and will even whitewash the loss of the village. We boast of GSLV and Agni missile but we are weak hearted sheep.

Thu Apr 19 12:31:07 2001
Name:Indranil Roy
Views:Is this another incident to corroborate what most freaks have been saying all along... that India is becoming a soft state? When countries like Bangladesh can dare to take liberties with us without being made to pay a price for the insolence, it paints a grim picture of how much we, as a nation, are prepared to tackle such misadventure head-on. Wonder if this incident is at all awakening the conscience of the tehelka-painted defence and political establishment?

Thu Apr 19 12:31:15 2001
Views:Hasina Bhaag jayegi

Thu Apr 19 12:31:22 2001
Views:India has again showed that it is a soft state. Why can't it throw the bangladeshi's out?

Thu Apr 19 12:31:22 2001
Name:Arindam Ray
Views:I think we have showed a confused reaction with no idea how to deal with another crisis situation.

Thu Apr 19 12:31:23 2001
Views:we should teach the lesson to Bangladesh

Thu Apr 19 12:31:23 2001
Views:I think we can't afford to have unfriendly neighbours on all three fronts! I understand it to be an aggression but we got to react with a cool mind as in Kargil and deal with them firmly.....we should definitely not take the death of our 16 men lightly!

Thu Apr 19 12:31:30 2001
Name:Raj Sengupta
Views:Do the lives of 16 BSF jawans mean nothing to this shameless government? The sight of the MEA official mouthing innuendoes at the press briefing made me so mad... A foreign para-military force has intruded into a sovereign nation, occupied its land and in the process killed at least 16 Indian guards... Would any nation with an iota of self respect have reacted to a similar incident in the way that our government has? The likes of Advani & Jaswant Singh can only pontificate and sabre-rattle. There can be no 'diplomatic' solution for this outrage that Bangladesh have inflicted...Extreme force should be deployed to kick the bastards out first. Anything else can follow...

Thu Apr 19 12:31:35 2001
Views:Had this happened to Israel or US in their neighbourhood, by now their fighter aircrafts would have gone and bombarded the region as a fitting reply. However in our case the Govt, Opposition and the Bureaucracy is not even ready to react strongly. We have lost 16 lives and nobody seems to be bothered. To cover themselves they are justifying inaction by saying that it can disturb our good relations. I think there isn't anything above the lives of our soldiers. I think without any further delay we should not only forcefully evict all the Bangladeshi troops from our territory but also push them further into their own territory to ensure that they dont try such misadventures again.

Thu Apr 19 12:31:39 2001
Name:Ajay Parulekar
Views:I am not at all happy with the way indian govt. has reacted. We should kill at least 100 bangladeshi soldiers, if possible drop 2/3 bombs on bangladesh..let everybody see we don't tolerate such's question of our honour.

Thu Apr 19 12:32:15 2001
Name:Birendra Prasad
Views:Whatever be the internal politics of Bangladesh and their government, the attack on the Indian village is unwarranted. We should take up the matter with aggressive diplomacy at the highest level and also remove the aggressor at the same time. We reserve the right to defend our own territory. Our country's defence should not be made hostage to other country's internal political bickerings. Otherwise, it will show that we are vulnerable.

Thu Apr 19 12:32:19 2001
Views:This is absolute nonsense.The country which was liberated by India and which enjoyed its first recognition by India is stabbing India only.Also we have to remember the days when Narasimha Rao 's cong. govt gave away the 'theen bhiga' corridor to Bangaldesh .But the obvious solution is not to take a defensive step ;but to go for a complete offence.Tolerence and such lazy principles are causing havoc in Bangla and Kashmir borders.Also worlwide Islamic fundamentalism is the root cause of all these problems.Can it be denied that whereever there is a Muslim majority in the world, there is violence-Palenstine,Gaza,Kashmir,Afganistan,Azarbeijan....Its left to the readers of this if at all it is published to realise the truth.....

Thu Apr 19 12:32:23 2001
Views:i feel like adding pakistan and bangladesh as another two states of India

Thu Apr 19 12:32:25 2001
Name:Sanjib Kumar Jena
Views:As we have done in Kargil.No compromise on our motherland. Just smash the enemy in our territory.

Thu Apr 19 12:32:30 2001
Views:Intrude over well into Bangladeshi territory and kill atleast 75 Bangladeshi soldiers...take another 20 POWs and present them on Live TV for Sheikh Haseena to see. Let's see how many votes she gets then. I have nothing against the Bangladeshi people but the killing of Indian soldiers is a very serious issue and a precedent must be set.

Thu Apr 19 12:32:35 2001
Views:In Hindi - "Apna Billi Apne se Meow Meow". In Tamil - "Unda Veettukku Irandangam Pannadhe"

Thu Apr 19 12:32:43 2001
Name:Sanjib Kumar Jena
Views:As we have done in Kargil.No compromise on our motherland. Just smash the enemy in our territory.

Thu Apr 19 12:32:44 2001
Views:what be te relation of bangla with uswe have to regain our territory.outherwise it will be continuos process

Thu Apr 19 12:32:49 2001
Name:sagar satapathy
Views:i am completely shocked and outraged over this incident. i feel we indians have become very soft. our government's callous attitude towards such a sensitive matter. i am deeply hurt with the attitude of our government. there should not be any further delay.our army should rush to the spot and teach lessons to the barbarious BDR. otherwise our morale will go down further. realy today i feel that we indians have been doubt abt this. everybody should rise to this ocassion. this is the matter of our national pride.

Thu Apr 19 12:32:59 2001
Views:We need to teach these rascals a good lesson. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Imagin a rat trying to challenge a elephant. Hugh.!!

Thu Apr 19 12:33:01 2001
Name:Amol Raut
Views:Atleast i m not happy the way our government reacted. Throw the bangladeshi out. Now this bangladeshis needs a lesson from us. Now why our indian governmrnt is still talking peace peace n peace? when other side is not bothered of our peace talks? They killed our 16 people cpatured 2 injured, what our government is doing? Instead of recapturing the area our government requesting them not to make further aggression. Is india is become this much weak? We need to show our neighbours that we can be good friends till other understands the friendship language by giving the hardcore reply to them n bring the captured BSF personnel back. Show them that our weapons, missiles n atom bomb not made to put in showcase. we can use them to keep our nations integration intact. Today's world undestanf the language of this weapons.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:21 2001
Views:This incident once more proves we are a very soft state, anybody in the world can get away after killing indian citizens defying all international laws and rules. Also inaction on the part of the governmnet crushes the morale of the aoldiers who are very keen and patriotic when saving their motherland. Its high time we show that we are not sitting ducks by allowing the army handle the intruders

Thu Apr 19 12:33:23 2001
Views:Bangladesh was never a friend to India.Its just there helplessness, that they are keeping a good face.They have no choice as they cant stand in front of their powerfull neighbour who sorrounds them from three sides.They are great nusience to us wether its Chakma problem or of sharing Ganges water.So far we have tolerated these muslim fanatic nation.Now they have gone too far.Its time we Indian show them were they stand and teach them a lesson. We should learn from Isreal.Stand up brave Indians, dont be timid.FoTime has come to show world what we are.Show up Indian pride.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:23 2001
Views:When the elephant is weak and powerless, even dogs or lesser animal dare to attack it. I dont think that Bangladesh would have dared to attack China or even Burma, as it knows that it would not only get a tit for tat answer but suffer doubly if it does so.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:38 2001
Name:rupali karekar
Views:I feel that the sudden hostility of Bangladesh should be dealt with in a proper manner by us and the opposition and govt shlould unite to tackle the situation of national security. The govt should not hide anything from the public and the exact intentions of the bangla troops should be made clear before the indians. It is time that political differences are shelved for the time being and unity is shown for the larger interest of the country. We cannot afford a war because Pakistan will take full advantage of the situation and might attack us from the other side, and since they have isi agents in nepal as well we are not safe in the northern border as well. china is as is it not a friendly neighbour and srilanka also has strained relations with us. Utmost diplomacy is needed to tackle the situation.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:40 2001
Name:Kajal Goel
Views:It came as a surprise to me . There is fault some where or the other . First I am very upset on the killing of my Indian brothers on the front . But on the other hand considering the need to maintain the peace in the region also our past experience with Bangladesh , I would like Home ministry and External Affair ministry to reveiw the matter immediately, if this has been a mischief than the culprit would be punished and it would be made clear to every nation that no such deeds would be entertained by India . Any thing that cause a casualty of Indian Pride would not be expected. It should be made clear that government of Bangla desh ows an apology to the people of India for the killing and for encroaching Indian men and territory.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:43 2001
Views:Ek ek ko chun chun ke mar dalo !! How dare such tiny nation takes panga with us? Blast them off !!!

Thu Apr 19 12:33:47 2001
Views:We should first throw the Bangladeshi intruders out of our land, and then think of negotiations. There should be no margin for laxity here. Its shameful that a small country like this can also get away with killing so many of our men and occupyingour territory.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:50 2001
Name:Kumar Parekh
Views:The killing of indian soldiers and occupying of Indian territory should be responded to in a harsh and ruthless manner. Going by the lack of cohesive action it seems that indian lives are cheaper than dirt and indian territory ready to be occupied by anyone having the bravado to do it.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:51 2001
Views:please do something

Thu Apr 19 12:33:53 2001
Views:Sir, It's high time my country stopped bowing down to hollow threats like these & take some conclusive actions immediately. The government sucks. It has a very lacksaidal attitude of dealing with things. A country which was liberated by our help is stabbing us in our backs & claiming something that is rightfully our land. Just a push from our jawans will send them reeling. On one side we launch the GSLV & on the other we sit like dumb creatures waiting for something worse to happen.All I can say is it's now or never.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:54 2001
Views:Lets get tough.The world needs to know we are not the proverbial pushovers. We have enough problems with the Bangladeshi immigrants to now kowtow to their puny army If Hasina wants a diversion we should give her a big one. Whatever be their colours, eventually all these Islamic neighbours cannot be trusted simply because they speak Bangla etc.In the end they all covet India, even basket cases like Bangladesh Who knows, next the Maldives will annex Lakshadweep and Kerala, aided by the already fundamentalist Mallapuram muslims The answer lies in being like Israel.Otherwise the Islamic terrorists will once again enslave Hindu society Maybe we dont deserve any better considering what a rotten society we Hindus have made for ourselves-Filled with corruption ,Hatred,bigotry, lack of civic sense etc.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:54 2001
Name:Suresh Kochattil
Views:Go ahead capture Bangladesh and make it a part of our country. Then we will have no problems in the north east.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:54 2001
Views:Its just goes onto show that a nation which is dreaming of attaining status of a global player can be rebuked in such a manner by a country like Bangladesh. This is just the way things were waiting to happen due to soft policy of the state.

Thu Apr 19 12:33:55 2001
Name:Naik Jayesh
Views:India Should immediately pressurise Bangladesh to come out of political Hangouts and control the BDR as bangla has been burdening friendly neighbour. A small war would burden them more.India's reaction is JUST at present

Thu Apr 19 12:34:01 2001
Name:uma minhas
Views:Yes I do think that India's reply has been whimpish. No doubt Bangladesh is a friend but nobody should be allowed to take India's friendship as granted. We should not over react but a message should be sent to Bangladesh that india will not tolerate anyone trying to disturb the present status quo. But I do not think we should act in a hurry we should talk to them and sort out the problem.

Thu Apr 19 12:34:02 2001
Views:When did we consider Bangladesh a 'friendly neighbour' ? If we do, who are we fooling ?? Has not India seen bitter times in past with Bangladesh on border ? Didn't we go thru the pressure the so called 'east pakistan' put on us when we were up in arms with Pakistan in 1971 ? The motherhood statement holds true is more relavent in such time - 'Only Strong can talk of Peace' not the weak and meek. Our foreign policy and deterrence must reflect our confidence in our capabilities, so that no neighbour dares to flirt with us !!

Thu Apr 19 12:34:02 2001
Name:arup g
Views:Well, our external policies are so skewed that 16 death in uniform has no effect in the political circles, media whatsoever and we are talking about diplomatic interaction. whats there for diplomacy when already 16 BSF person have already been killed.This is a very disturbing trend of sacrificing precious human lives for diplomatic points.

Thu Apr 19 12:34:05 2001
Views:It was a very unorganised and pathetic reaction if any, from the central government. How can the Home Minister lazily say he does not know the realities when the state chief minister says that the incursions have infact occured shows the level of coordination, preparedness and importance given to a CM of a state in the indian union. India should give a strict 24 hour ultimatum to the bangladeshis to retract failing which they should be crushed by a clear strong attack in an immediate and strong offensive. India should not tolerate the spill over of any internal political rumblings of bangladesh which has been very ungrateful of the indian sacrifice in the liberation of bangladesh from pakistan.

Thu Apr 19 12:34:14 2001
Name:Amogh Mathure
Views:Isn't it a major failure on information front? What is Bangladesh's real stand? Experts are saying that the lower officers are doing this on their own but are really top people from Bangla govt. not to know this? And if this is true, what is going to be Indian Govt.'s stand? Are they going to allow cricket team to play against Bangladesh? Tommorow SriLankan navy may arrest our fishermen wandering in their seas - by mistake, are we going to ban playing against SriLanka too? Shouldn't there be more of diplomacy which comes from the brain & not from the heart?

Thu Apr 19 12:34:17 2001
Name:Mohsin Kherani
Views:I think its high time India adopt a tough stand. Its clear with this incident we are lacking in our border security and its easy for any country however small and puny to intrude into our territory. Its easier for them coz we have a soft attitude regarding our borders. So much so, that even a country like Bangladesh can penetrate into our territory to satisfy the whims of its political parties and all we can do is issue warnings and ask them to use caution. I think we should retaliate in the same tone and force them to retreat. Situations like these have outgrown into the Kashmir issue. Its a situation of HIGH ALERT for us if small nations like Bangladesh find it easy to intrude into our areas and all we are doing is wait and watch at a diplomatic level. Let them know who the Big brother is !!

Thu Apr 19 12:34:17 2001
Name:jayesh dighe
Views:Bangladesh is not a "Friend". I strogly oppose terming Bagladesh as a Friendly neighbour. We never learn from history. I hope that we learn at least now. India has always been a free "lodging and boarding place" for all the refugees from all over the world. I think we are doing for the sake of so called "Secularist" image worldwide. But what are we getting in return? Intrusion by Bagladeshi army, Pakistan sponsored militants. Is it worth to continue our so called secularist approach? Any non-action on this will definetly send wrong signals to our so called friendly neighbouring countries. Its high time we took a strong stance on these type of assaults on our land and people.

Thu Apr 19 12:34:20 2001
Name:Suresh Nair
Views:India should get serious about such issues. We have always been very careless with countries who act friendly. Killing of Indian soldiers has become a frequent news just like the ups and down of share market. The life of an Indian soldier does not seem to have any value. We should learn from Isreal where they dont mind attacking an entire camp on the killing of their single soldier and here its like onions and potatoes. 16 men killed and still we are talking on diplomatic area. We should strom in, take back our land, warn them of dire consequences if repeated in future and then talk and talk and talk. Atleast give some value to the men died and the cause of their death

Thu Apr 19 12:34:33 2001
Name:k mehta
Views:its an outrage to have been hit by a country considered to be our friend. they should have talked to us on such issues rather than carry out an "invasion" of sorts. they should be given an ultimatum to leave the occupied areas immediately or else force will be used against them. Also they should be made to apologise unconditionally to us for their misdeed & pay compensation for killing our soldiers.

Thu Apr 19 12:34:34 2001
Name:Rajesh Ramname
Views:I just shudder at the thought that a tiny backward country like Bangladesh is up against arms with us. Our responses to Pakistan's intrusion have been wimpish and hence other countries draw inspiration from it. We should learn how Isreal confronts the enemies of its state. No retreat, no surrender, no mercy! Period!

Thu Apr 19 12:34:54 2001
Views:First of all why should one tell all this to a news portal at all?What difference does it make? Shoot the bastards out.This is Muslim terrosrism and its manifestations.India should have Task force at various lavels to eradicate it.

Thu Apr 19 12:35:00 2001
Views:kill them.

Thu Apr 19 12:35:01 2001
Views:Bangladesh, a puny, godforsaken,pathetic country has shown a lot of impudence by killing the BSF soldiers and intruding into India. India must ot talk or negotiate but go to the border and teach them a lesson they would never forget so that they apologise and come begging for mercy.

Thu Apr 19 12:35:13 2001
Views:why on earth do all the "so called" india haters always have to dig up crises to fit their whims and fancies? Can anybody come up with an answer as to what they gain with all these fighting going on? And why does our administration have to go in for "diplomatic end to these crises" when our people have been fired upon without any provocation and being either rounded up or tortured and killed? Are we not that strong to "reply to a stone with a brick"? when will this so-called non-violent attitude of ours end?

Thu Apr 19 12:35:14 2001
Views:The intrusion of Bangla deshis is just one of the infiltrations among the hoards of savages likes pakistan, china and taliban. The normal reaction of a nation on infiltration was to make a real counterattack and demolish the bangla deshis. But instead of that, doing just high level talks and not doing immediate actions is just sickening. Bangla desh cant be more friendly than our people/BSF soldiers who were killed by the bangla deshis. India should have wiped out the b'deshis within a days time after their intrusion. Maybe they will after more people die in the process.

Thu Apr 19 12:35:19 2001
Views:It's not the answer one would expect from the govt after such an act from the intruders and also the behaviour of the bangladeshi govt is disgusting. They should not forget that they got independance because of us . if we can help them we can well destroy them. we should kill all those intruders after such an act and no negotiations should take place.

Thu Apr 19 12:35:31 2001
Views:the way we r reacted to the situation is not satisfactiory.we allready lost 16 BSF personnel.And still firing is going on at border.we could have called milatary in to action to give an answer to the Bangladesh.Through negotiations and meetings it cant be solved its only twith milatary action we can give a reply to them.

Thu Apr 19 12:35:31 2001
Name:Anup kumar

Thu Apr 19 12:35:44 2001
Name:T J Mathew
Views:The Bangladeshi Intruders should be Crushed and the territory that they are illegally occupying should be claimed back from them and they should be made to pay for the life of our 16 Brave Jawans

Thu Apr 19 12:35:49 2001
Views:Just give indian army a free hand and let them handle the things as they seem fit.For each jawan killed kill 100 of their's. When China just took US soldiers hostage there was a huge cry but here Soldiers have been killed and that too ithout provocation. Well this is the price being paid for being soft ....just take hard stance and hit them where it hurts them the most. These bangaladehies didn't exist beore 1971 came into existence because of us and are now enroaching on our territory, also the problems in NE is beacause of these bangladeshies. Just drop one of our nukes or long range missiles...and finish the problem!

Thu Apr 19 12:36:05 2001
Views:The intrusion has thrown open chellenge to the country. Even after two days country has not taken any action to vacate the areas occupied by the BDR. This is outrageous and unacceptable. Should we be ashamed of being Indian. This has once again proved that India is a soft state. Just see how Bangladeshies are rushing to colonise our land by constructing dwellings there and diging trenches to attack our soldiers. This is despite the fact that millions of Bangladeshies are living in this country illigaly and indulging in all sort of direty jobs including hawala and thefts etc.

Thu Apr 19 12:36:15 2001
Name:prasant kumar das
Views:I feel we are being betrayed and taking up a soft line , should retaliate and recover the portion taken by BDR.

Thu Apr 19 12:36:16 2001
Views:India has been fooled time and again by neighbours who called themselves friends. First it was Chinese - so much for Indo-Chini Bhai-Bhai. Now for the help and service done by India to Bangladesh, they now repay by attacking our soldiers and Occupy our territory. India it seems is asoft state that any one can exploit. This is the plight of peace loving and tolerant country. One wishes our administrators wake up and teach these intruders a lesson they and their progeny will not forget.

Thu Apr 19 12:36:30 2001
Views:I am annoyed with the handling/mishandling of the situation by the Indian Govt. The safety measure has not been taken atleast for the life of Indian whether army/civil. we should respond atleast if not react to the situation by sending them back in whatever way possible.. u C otherwise everybody takes INDIA for a ride, china, pakistan, taliban, now Bangla desh... and we are waiting from Nepal, Burma and Bhutan also to do the same, forgot about SriLanka... This is really ridiculous, looks like we are unable to defend ourselves.. We should teach a lesson... as somebody had said right.. prevention is better than Cure and on top of it : "There is no love without scarenes of losing" to be precise in Hindi: "Bhay bina preet nahin"... Hope most of us share this response and not reaction...

Thu Apr 19 12:36:37 2001
Name:Satish Keshavamurthy
Views:I feel India should declare a war on Bangladesh and teach them a lesson. They should never dare to do such a thing in future. I just can't understand why India should take a defensive approach in this matter. What is the Indian intelligence doing ? What is the Indian Army doing ? why should we wait till they capture our jawans and our villages ? what's wrong with our country ? Our country's National Security is at stake !!! This is an alarming situation. Probably Bangaladesh would have forgotten the fact that India was instrumental in getting independence to it. Show them what we are !

Thu Apr 19 12:36:42 2001
Name:S. K. Bhaduri
Views:India should teach these muslims a lesson once and for all, simply by bombing their country flat and wiping out the entire population there.

Thu Apr 19 12:36:50 2001
Name:Sourabh Jain
Views:Our reaction has been nothing short of disgusting...It smacks of a weak nation that has no value for the lives of its people, its soldiers...I feel it's high time Bangladesh and everybody else should be shown in no uncertain terms...enough is enough...we can't be taken for granted...our land and the lives of our people are non-negotiable...This misadventure should be crushed ruthlessly...let our response to this situation be a lesson for all those who have similar inclinations...

Thu Apr 19 12:37:08 2001
Views:I think India should consider this very seriously and take immediate action against Bangaldesh. Bangladeshi's should know they are dealing with India and not Assam Government. Military should respond seriously and immediately. After all, 18 of their own people are in Bangldeshi custody.

Thu Apr 19 12:37:21 2001
Name:Suresh Mathew John
Views:Political overview: By going for a compromise and taking a softstand we will gain political benifits of short term by keeping hasina happy and probably helping her to come back Long term : All Bangladesh govts in future wont ming playing such game and i personaly recommend sending IA kill 32 if we lost 16 send a strong message to our friend and friends This will boost our soldier's morale also

Thu Apr 19 12:37:34 2001
Views:I feel our army must be sent there immediately & push the bangladeshis back.we must give a fitting reply to that, in future they should not even try to do this again. If posible we must occupy their land.

Thu Apr 19 12:37:37 2001

Thu Apr 19 12:37:38 2001
Name:Suresh Mathew John
Views:Political overview: By going for a compromise and taking a softstand we will gain political benifits of short term by keeping hasina happy and probably helping her to come back Long term : All Bangladesh govts in future wont ming playing such game and i personaly recommend sending IA kill 32 if we lost 16 send a strong message to our friend and friends This will boost our soldier's morale also

Thu Apr 19 12:37:44 2001
Name:Pankaj Batra
Views:I am outraged to say the least. BJP which claims to be a Nationalist party has done nothing to prove this claim. First the Kargil debacle and now this. Nationalism is reserved only for speeches and election manifestoes. And for the opposition the less the said the better. When the Tehelka controversy arose they shouted hoarse about national security. And when an issue of National Security has come up they are not talking about it. They just want to disrupt the Parliamnet. Had this been any other country like US missiles would have rained on Dhaka by now. As if the infiltration by Bangladeshis was not enough, our neighbour now also wants land. India should not think twice before recapturing our land.Keeping a country like Bangladesh in good humour will not do India any good.

Thu Apr 19 12:37:57 2001
Name:C. S. Adhikari
Views:The response of Indian Govt. to the attack by bangladesh has been wimpish. What prevented the home ministry to call the high commissioner of bangladesh and expresss its anguish as well as warn it to desist from such outrageous and irresponsible act is best known tto the home minister. I think Mr Advani has no right to be called the sardar patel of India. It is shameful for the govt of the day.

Thu Apr 19 12:37:58 2001
Name:Neal Marks
Views:This is absolutely crazy. This means that any tom dick and harry can come into our territory and kill our people and all our 'leaders' do is to say to exercise restrain. Restrain for what ? India's reaction should be clear, hard and strong. The Bangladesh PM should offer an unconditional apology and provide compensation for the families of the Indian soldiers killed. -Neal-

Thu Apr 19 12:38:09 2001
Name:Srinivas Raju
Views:Really feel like shit.Can't believe that our security is so vulnerable for somebody to walk in & occupy our territory. If Bangaldesh can do that imagine what China can do if it wants!! We are the most spineless nation in this universe.

Thu Apr 19 12:38:13 2001
Name:GS Kiran
Views:Bombard.Smash it.Teach a lesson to Balgladesh so that no one in the world ever dare to repeat like that.

Thu Apr 19 12:38:15 2001
Name:Sanjay Kumar
Views:I feel that we are forgetting the fact that 16 Indians lost their lives. Is an Indian life now so cheap that no one stirs in New Delhi?! If the firing was started by the Bangladeshi's we need to give them a bloody nose they'll never forget! India for too long has been soft in reacting to situations like these and I'm surprised that a BJP government in Delhi is continuing such policies... the kind of policies that also gave us the Kashmir mess.

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