The Republic of India and the Russian Federation, herein after referred to as the Sides
- Political
convening of annual Summit level meetings
regular bilateral political and foreign office consultations on issues of mutual concern
closer cooperation at the United Nations, including its specialized agencies and institutions at other international and regional fora
further intensifying their efforts aimed at strengthening international peace and security, general and complete disarmament, systematic and progressive efforts to reduce nuclear weapons globally, with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons, nuclear non-proliferation and the peaceful settlement of disputes
joint initiatives on key international and regional issues
informing each other of planned foreign policy initiatives in the international arena
non-participation in any military-political or other alliances or associations or armed conflict directed against the other Side, or in any treaties, agreements or understandings infringing upon the independence sovereignty, territorial integrity or national security interests of the other Side
- Trade and Economy
strengthening close cooperation within the framework of the Indo-Russian Inter-Governmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific, Technological and Cultural Cooperation, as well as other joint bodies of business and Industry representatives, with a view to expand trade and economic relations
deepening and diversifying cooperation in sectors such as metallurgy, fuel and energy, information technology, communications and transport, including merchant shipping and civil aviation
further development of cooperation in banking and finance, and improving credit and insurance facilities so as to promote bilateral trade
creating a favourable environment for mutual investments and guaranteeing their protection.
simplifying customs and other procedures and promoting the removal of non-tariff barriers and gradual lowering of tariff barriers
establishing effective mechanisms for interaction between Indian and Russian entities with a view to achieve sustained expansion of bilateral trade in a long term perspective.
encouraging contacts between regions in both countries with a view to promoting trade and economic cooperation
simplifying rules and procedures for travel by entrepreneurs and businessmen of both countries
further enhancing the quality and international competitiveness of their goods by, inter alia, promoting the joint development and sharing of the latest technologies
exploiting to mutual benefit the new opportunities arising out of the integration processes underway in the world economy
enhancing cooperation and coordination at international trade, economic and financial bodies
jointly exploring the possibilities of regional trading arrangements with third countries
- Defence
consolidating defence and military-technical cooperation in a long-term perspective
deepening service to service cooperation
- Science and Technology
promoting existing and new forms of cooperation in fundamental and applied scientific research, expanding the exchange of scientists and scientific information, establishing direct ties between scientific research/higher educational institutions
cooperating in areas such as oceanology, agricultural sciences, medical sciences and biotechnology, environmentally clean technologies, meteorology standardisation, metrology and certification of each other's products
jointly exploring the possibilities of commercial application of the results of scientific and technological research and development
cooperating in the peaceful use of nuclear energy and the peaceful use of outer space
- Culture
further promoting cultural cooperation and a wider exposure to each others' cultural heritage and achievements
activising contacts between peoples and organisations including in the fields of culture, education, mass media, youth and sports.
promoting tourist exchanges and cooperation between tourist organisations in both countries.
- Science and Technology
cooperating in the fight against international terrorism, separatism, organised crime, and illegal trafficking in narcotics
cooperation in rendering mutual legal assistance in civil and criminal matters and in matters relating to extradition, as well as in other related areas