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The ethics of web chat

August 07, 2003

The Internet has its own culture and everyone is liable to commit a few social blunders. Most importantly, children, teenagers and impressionable adults need to be initiated into certain dos and don'ts of chatting on the Internet.

When one communicates electronically, all you see is a computer screen. There is no opportunity to use facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to communicate your meaning; words are all that one has.

When you're holding a conversation online -- whether it's an email exchange or a response to a discussion group posting -- it's easy to misinterpret. Computer networks bring people together who would otherwise never meet. But the impersonality of the medium changes that meeting to something less -- well, less personal.

Don't believe anyone who says, "The only ethics out there are what you can get away with." But if you encounter an ethical dilemma in cyberspace, consult the code you follow in real life. Chances are good you'll find the answer.

If you're tempted to do something that's illegal in cyberspace, chances are it's also bad Netiquette.

There really are not that many obnoxious people in chat rooms. At About.com chat rooms, you can ignore them, simply by clicking on the obnoxious user's name, then click on the ignore user box.

Also, if the ADM is in the room, he or she has the power to expel the obnoxious user out of the room. So do not let the fear of obnoxious users stop you. Almost everyone voluntarily follows chatting etiquette.

Follow the rules of common courtesy just like you would in real life.

Sometimes, knowing what to say when you enter a chat room is hard! After the initial hello is over and where everyone is from has been discussed, silence may follow. When this happens, ask a question or you can share a funny story that happened to you.

For instance a good question to ask is, "does anyone have any kids?" or "what hobbies is everyone interested it?". More good advice is available about striking up the right conversation. Before you know it, the conversation will start to flow.

To be chat savvy, there is just a few abbreviations you will need to know. For instance, a very common abbreviation is "LOL" that stands for Laughing Out Loud. You type this in when you find something funny or you are writing something that is meant to be funny.

This helps a lot because when you type something, rather than then say it, someone else can't see your face or hear the tone of your voice, so they don't realise you are kidding around.

If you have to leave to go get a drink or answer the phone, type in "brb" (be right back). That way, someone that has a question for you will wait, until you let them know that you are back.

If you see an abbreviation you don't understand, just ask! I am sure the person that wrote it will be glad to explain it.

Chatting is very entertaining. There are usually many laughs and I am sure you have heard the saying, laughter is the medicine for anything that may ail you. Don't be shy come join us! Before you know it, you will be an old pro at chatting and a part of the global community, with friends all over the world! Relax and enjoy!

For children and adults

  • Never give out your last name
  • Never put your age as part of your nick e.g. Sameer14
  • Never give away your address, not even the town where you live
  • Never give anyone your phone number or agree to phone them
  • Be very careful of people who ask you your age just after you've met them
  • Don't accept files from people who you don't know
  • Don't give your picture to people who you don't know
  • Never agree to meet anyone you've met on chat unless you go with an adult you trust like your mom or dad
  • If anyone makes you feel scared tell one of the ops -- the guys with the @ in front of their nicks.


(This article is sourced from the Net)

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