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Find it tough to make new friends?
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August 04, 2006

For the many who joined college a couple of months ago, have you been wondering how you can make friends and get comfortable in your new environment? 

Communication expert and BPO trainer Nasha Fitter has tips on how Get Ahead reader Denis can break the ice.

Hi, I am a 20-year-old college student. I have moved to a new college and find myself extremely quiet around my fellow colleagues. I used to have a large group of friends but I'm having trouble breaking the ice. How can I do this?

-- Denis

This is a problem we all face when we change colleges, offices, cities or countries. The best advice I can give you is to be patient. You won't immediately make the same, large group of friends. Making friends takes some time. Also, everyone probably already has made close friends. So, you will have to be the one making the effort to make new bonds.

One way to try and mingle your way into a friends' circle is if you hear people in your class talking about going somewhere over the weekend; just ask if you can come along! You can always say, "I just moved here and don't have any friends yet -- do you mind if I come along?" 

It may be awkward the first time, but if you are funny and pleasant to be around, the second time you will probably get invited without asking. Or, you could try to befriend just one person in one of your classes. If they like you, they themselves will invite you to join them and their friends. And don't worry if your tactics make you look "weird". As soon as people get to know you it will be fine and you will all laugh about it in the future.

Most importantly, try to be optimistic about this. You are learning a very valuable skill at a young age. When you are older and working you will constantly be meeting new colleagues, bosses and clients. This experience of feeling lonely, then scared while trying to meet new people, then nervous while trying to figure out how to get people to like you -- will all come in handy one day.

People who are taken out of their comfort zones when they are younger always end up being dynamic and adaptable to any situation when they are older.

Are you currently in college? Or have you just joined? How did you make friends? Post your tips and experiences.

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